Evaristo Ribera Chevremont

Evaristo Ribera Chevremont

Infobox writer
name = Evaristo Ribera Chevremont

imagesize = 140px
birthname = Evaristo Ribera Chevremont
birthdate = February 16, 1896
birthplace = San Juan, Puerto Rico
deathdate = March 1st, 1976
deathplace = San Juan, Puerto Rico
occupation = Poet
nationality = Puerto Rican

Evaristo Ribera Chevremont (San Juan February 16, 1896- March 1,1976) is considered by many the most lyrical poet from Puerto Rico. Although several of his published books deal with Puerto Rican nationality and regionalism, the majority of his verses are liberated from folkloric subject matter and excel in universal lyricism. [ [http://www.alibris.com/booksearch.detail?S=R&bid=9293354821&cm_mmc=shopcompare-_-base-_-nonisbn-_-na Evaristo Ribera Chevremont: Voz De Vanguardia by Marxuach, Carmen Irene] ]

Literary Styles

According to critics of Puerto Rican literature, the great threesome of Puerto Rican poetry is composed by Evaristo Ribera Chevremont, Luis Llorens Torres, and Luis Palés Matos. The first of the three, Evaristo Ribera Chevremont, is one of the greatest poets of the Antilles, and even critics such as Federico de Onís and Concha Meléndez considered him as one of the most important poets of the Spanish language. Ribera Chevremont traveled to Spain several times and established friendly ties with several writers' circles. He was much admired for his prolific poetic gift, and several of his works were published in that country, as well as in Puerto Rico. He mastered several modern poetic techniques, such as Hispanoamerican Modernism, European “Ultraismo” and "Suprarrealismo". He wrote in free verse as well as in traditional forms, specifically, sonnets, which he mastered fully, as seen in Sonetos del Mar, del Amor, de la Soledad, de la Muerte, de Dios, among others. His last book to reach the public, "Sonetos a Galicia", a book dedicated to the land of his father, was published posthumously in 1994 by the poet's widow, Maria Luisa Méndez de Chevremont and his daughter Iris Ribera-Chevremont Mendez, through the Xunta de Galicia in Spain. [ [http://www.oslpr.org/download/en/2002/0052.pdf Poesía Puertorriqueña, Act no52] ]

Evaristo Ribera Chevremont published his first volume of verse, Desfile Romántico, in 1914 at the age of eighteen. In 1974, the poet published "El Caos de los Sueños", a book of poems in free verse of a profound, lyrical and universal nature. In 1980, the Universidad de Puerto Rico published a complete anthology of his Poems in two large volumes, "Evaristo Ribera Chevremont: Obra poetica Vol I & II". Besides that comprehensive collection, several poetry books have been posthumously published, such as "Jinetes de la inmortalidad", "El Libro de las Apologías", and "Sonetos a Galicia".

Published Books

*"Desfile Romántico", 1914
*"El Templo de los Alabastros, 1919
*"La Copa del Hebe",1922
*"Los Almendros del Paseo Covadonga"
*"La Hora del Orifice",1929
*"Tierra y Sombra", 1930
*"Color" 1938
*"Tonos y Formas", 1943
*"Barro", 1945
*"Anclas de Oro", 1945
*"Tú, Mar, Yo y Ella, 1946
*"Creación", 1951
*"La llama Pensativa",1954
*"Inefable Orilla", 1961
*"Memorial de Arena",1962
*"Punto Final (Poemas del Sueño y de la Muerte)"
*"Principio de Canto", 1965
*"El Semblante"
*"Rió Volcado" 1968
*"Canto de mi Tierra"
*"El Caos de los Sueños" 1974
*"El Hondero Lanzó la Piedra", 1975
*"El Libro de las Apologías" , 1976 (Posthumous)
*"Jinetes de la Inmortalidad",1977 (Posthumous)
*"Elegías a San Juan", 1980 (Posthumous)
*"Obra Poética, Vol I", 1980
*"Obra Poética, Vol II", 1980
*"Sonetos a Galicia", 1994(Posthumous)

Critical Bibliography

*Melendez, Concha; "La inquietud sosegada : poética de Evaristo Chevremont" ;Editorial Imprenta Soltero, San Juan (Puerto Rico), 1956
*Marxuach, Carmen Irene; "Evaristo Ribera Chevremont : voz de vanguardia"; Editorial Universidad de Puerto Rico, 1987
*González, José Emilio, "La Poesía de Evaristo Ribera Chevrmont", "Evaristo Ribera Chevremont:Obra Poética", Universidad de Puerto Rico, 1980
*de Onís, Federico, "Antología Poetica", 1924-1950, Universidad de Puerto Rico, San Juan 1957
*Guillén, Jorge, "Carta a Evaristo Ribera Chevremont", in "Principio de Canto", Editorial Venezuela, San Juan, 1965
*Gallego, Laura, "Las Ideas Literarias de Evaristo Ribera Chevremont", Instituto de Cultura Puertorriqueña

ee also

*List of Puerto Rican writers
*Puerto Rican literature


External links

* [http://www.los-poetas.com/m/chev.htm Evaristo Ribera Chevremont;Bio and Poems]
*http://www.lapoesiademariana.com/EvaristoRiveraChevremont.html; Biography
*http://absysnet.cervantes.es/abnetopac02/abnetcl.exe/O7009/ID4a430244/NT1#; Instituto Cervantes, NYC
*http://www.library.nd.edu/rarebooks/collections/rarebooks/hispanic/lit_caribbean.shtml; U. Notre Dame Library, The Hispanic Caribbean Literature
*http://members.fortunecity.es/mundopoesia/autores/evaristo_ribera_chevremont.htm; Ribera Chevremont

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