

[ GenieTown] – provides an Online Marketplace for Local Services. While most products can be purchased on the Internet and virtual services are available on a global level, local services that require physical presence of the provider are still hard to find online. GenieTown creates an online venue where anyone from a licensed contractor to an amateur with highly specialized knowledge can market his services to Internet savvy customers seeking local help. Combining the visibility of Yellow Pages, the local community of Craigslist, and the unique The Long Tail market that defines eBay, GenieTown connects specialized service providers to consumers.

GenieTown leverages Crowdsourcing and matches consumers with local service providers in a safe, efficient, and trusted manner. Customers find everything they need for their projects, from information and answers to their questions to people who can actually get the job done. People with skills, expertise, and passion in a wide range of areas use GenieTown to offer their services.

GenieTown was founded by a group of Stanford entrepreneurs in late 2006 and is funded by angel investors. GenieTown is located in Palo Alto, California.

External links

* [ GenieTown]
* [ TechCrunch: Local Services]
* [ The Deal:Out of the Bottle]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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