IB Primary Years Programme

IB Primary Years Programme

The International Baccalaureate Primary Years Program (PYP) is an educational program managed by the International Baccalaureate (IB) for students aged 3 to 12. While the program prepares students for the IB Middle Years Program, it is not a prerequisite for it. The subject areas of the PYP are language, social studies, mathematics, science and technology, arts, and personal, social and physical education. Students are required to learn a second language during the program. Assessment is carried out by teachers according to strategies provided by the IB, and with respect to guidelines to what the students should learn specified in the curriculum model.

The philosophy of the PYP is to make the students into "inquirers, thinkers, communicators, risk takers, knowledgeable, principled, caring, open-minded, well-balanced, and reflective." [cite web |url=http://www.australed.iinet.net.au/PYP_Profiles.html |title=Literature for discussion of the Student Profile of the Primary Years Programme |accessdate=2008-09-29 ]

The mission statement of the program is as follows: )

The program was created by a group of international school educators (Kevin Bartlett of the Vienna International School, Paul Lieblich of Lyford Cay International School, Robert Landau of the Commonwealth American School of Lausanne and Susan Stengal of the Copenhagen International School), who wished to create a non-national based "best practice" educational framework for international schools. This group formed the International Schools Curriculum Project which received funding from original member schools and through the IBO from Shell Oil's international education division. After several years of development and increasing popularity the founding group decided to hand the "project" over to the IBO for management and continuing development.


External links

* [http://www.ibo.org/pyp The Primary Years Program] at IB's website

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