- CFD-DEM model
A CFD-DEM model is suitable for the modeling or
simulation of fluid-solids or fluid-particles systems. In the CFD-DEM, the motion ofdiscrete solids orparticle s phase is obtained byDiscrete Element Method (DEM) which appliesNewton's laws of motion to every particle and the flow of continuum fluid is described by the local averaged Navier–Stokes equations that can be solved by averaged Navier–Stokes equations that can be solved by the traditionalComputational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). The interactions between the fluid phase and solids phase is modeled by use ofNewton's third law .References
*Tsuji Y, Kawaguchi T, Tanaka T. Discrete Particle Simulation Of 2-Dimensional Fluidized-Bed. Powder Technology. 1993 Oct;77(1):79-87.
*Xu BH, Yu AB. Numerical simulation of the gas-solid flow in a fluidized bed by combining discrete particle method with computational fluid dynamics. Chemical Engineering Science. 1997 Aug;52(16):2785-809.
*KW Chu, AB Yu, Numerical simulation of complex particle-fluid flows, Powder Technology, 179 (2008), pp. 104-14.
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