SUNIST, the abbreviation of "Sino-UNIted Spherical Tokamak", is a small spherical tokamak in the Department of Engineering Physics, Tsinghua Univerisy, Beijing, China.

The Main Parameters of SUNIST

Current Research Activities

Alfven wave current drive experiments in spherical tokamak plasmasAlfven wave can generate toroidal plasma current without density limits. This is very favourable for spherical tokamak plasmas, which have very high dielectric constants that makes LHCD or ECCD very hard.

External links

* [ SUNIST Laboratory]


* [ A Research Program of Spherical Tokamak in China]
* [ Initial Plasma Startup Test on SUNIST Spherical Tokamak ]
* [ News about the construction of the SUNIST shperical tokamak (in Chinese)]

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