1860 in France

1860 in France

"See also:"
1859 in France,
other events of 1860,
1861 in France.


Events from the year 1860 in France.


*23 January - Cobden-Chevalier Treaty Free Trade treaty is signed between the United Kingdom and France.
*9 April - Typesetter Edouard-Leon Scott de Martinville has his daughter sing the song "Au Claire de la Lune" on his phonautograph; producing the world's earliest known sound recording. However, it would not be rediscovered until 2008.
*18 October - At the end of the Second Opium War, British and French troops enter the Forbidden City in Beijing.
*24 October - Convention of Peking signed by Chinese with Britain and France.

Arts and Literature


*11 February - Rachilde, author (d.1953).
*25 June - Gustave Charpentier, composer (d.1956).
*16 August - Jules Laforgue, poet (d.1887).
*20 August - Raymond Poincaré, statesman, five times Prime Minister of France, President of France (d.1934).


*29 January - Stéphanie de Beauharnais, consort of Karl, Grand Duke of Baden (b.1789).
*14 March - Louis Antoine Jullien, conductor (b.1812).
*24 June - Jérôme Bonaparte, youngest brother of Napoleon, who made him king of Westphalia (b.1784).
*22 August - Alexandre-Gabriel Decamps, painter (b.1803).
*17 December - Désirée Clary, wife of King Charles XIV of Sweden and a one-time fiancée of Napoleon Bonaparte (b.1777).

Full date unknown

*Carron du Villards, ophthalmologist (b.1801).


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