Gliese 317 c

Gliese 317 c

Planetbox begin
name = Gliese 317 c
Planetbox star
star = Gliese 317
constell = Pyxis
ra = RA|08|40|59.21
dec = DEC|–23|27|22.6
dist_ly = 29.9
dist_pc = 9.17
class = M3.5V
Planetbox orbit
separation =
position_angle =
semimajor =
semimajor_gigameter =
semimajor_no_units =
periastron =
periastron_gigameter =
apastron =
apastron_gigameter =
eccentricity =
period = 2700
period_year = 7.4
period_megasecond =
inclination =
ang_dist =
long_peri =
arg_peri =
t_peri =
t_peri_no_jd =
t_transit =
t_transit_no_jd =
t_approach =
semi-amp =
Planetbox character
mass = >0.83
mass_earth =
radius =
radius_earth =
radius_megameter =
density =
gravity =
gravity_earth =
insolation =
insolation_earth =
temperature =
Planetbox discovery
discovery_date = 6 July 2007 (Announced)
discoverers = Johnson "et al."
discovery_method = Doppler spectroscopy
discovery_site = flagicon|USA W. M. Keck
discovery_status = Unconfirmed

Gliese 317 c is a possible extrasolar planet [cite journal |url= |title=A New Planet Around an M Dwarf: Revealing a Correlation Between Exoplanets and Stellar Mass |author= John A. Johnson, R. Paul Butler, Geoffrey W. Marcy, Debra A. Fischer, Steven S. Vogt, Jason T. Wright, Kathryn M. G. Peek |journal=ARXIV |year=2007 |volume= |pages=27 |accessdate=2007-07-07] approximately 30 light-years away in the constellation of Pyxis. The planet was announced in July 2007 to be orbiting the red dwarf star Gliese 317. The planet is a Jovian planet that is, at least, 83% the mass of Jupiter. The semi-major axis is unknown, relatively typical for unconfirmed planets. The eccentricity of the orbit is 42% and have orbital period of 7.4 years.

See also

* Gliese 317 b
* Gliese 436 b


External links


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