HD 65216 b

HD 65216 b

Planetbox begin
name=HD 65216 b
Planetbox star
star = HD 65216
constell = Carina
Planetbox orbit
semimajor_gigameter = 205.5
periastron = 0.805
periastron_gigameter = 120.4
apastron = 1.943
apastron_gigameter = 290.7
period_year = 1.68
period_megasecond = 53.0
speed = 24.44
Planetbox character
radius = ~0.995
density = ~1640
gravity_earth = ~3.25
gravity = ~31.9
temperature = ~205
Planetbox discovery
discovery_date=30 June 2003
discovery_method=Radial velocity
discovery_site=flag|United States
discoverers=Mayor, Urdy,
Naef et al.
Planetbox catalog
names = HIP 38558 b

HD 65216 b is an extrasolar planet located approximately 116 light-years away in the constellation of Carina, orbiting the star HD 65216. This planet was discovered by the Geneva Extrasolar Planet Search Team in 2003. Like most planet candidates so far, it was detected with the radial velocity method.

The planet has a minimum mass about 20% more than Jupiter. Since the discovery method gives only the minimum mass, its true mass is probably slightly greater. The planet orbits the star in a very eccentric orbit. The mean distance from the star is slightly less than that of Mars from the Sun, but at periastron the planet is a fifth closer to the star than Earth from the Sun and at apoastron it is over twice as far.


*cite journal | url=http://www.aanda.org/articles/aa/full/2004/07/aa0250/aa0250.html | author=Mayor "et al." | title=The CORALIE survey for southern extra-solar planets XII. Orbital solutions for 16 extra-solar planets discovered with CORALIE | journal = Astronomy and Astrophysics | volume=415 | year=2004 | pages=391–402 | doi=10.1051/0004-6361:20034250

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