

Turgo is a small hill on the southern slopes of Gunung Merapi, Central Java, Indonesia.It could also be known as Gunung Turgo" or "Mount Turgo

It is just west of Plawangan, the valley between the two has been subject to Nuee Ardente s in the 1990s which killed local villagers.Despite the very small area on the peak of Turgo, it has some sacred graves that are attributed to be connected with Jumadil Kobra, and a consequence is considered to be part of the complex network of graves that constitute the Javanese sacred placesDutch anthropologist Martin van Bruinessen has written about this character following his residence in Yogyakarta. [Martin van Bruinessen "Najmuddin al-Kubra, Jumadil Kubra and Jamaluddin al-Akbar: Traces of Kubrawiyya influence in early Indonesian Islam", Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde 150 (1994), 305-329.]

It is also located within the Plawangan Turgo nature reserve [ [http://www.ecologyasia.com/news-archives/2002/may-02/thejakartapost.com_20020528.Q03.htm The Plawangan Turgo nature reserve ] ] an almost 200 hectares on the slope of Merapi that has rare animals and plants occurring in its area.


External links

* [http://www.aracnet.com/~kirby/merapi/merapi22.htm Context from 1994 eruption of Merapi]

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