prong — [prɔŋ US pro:ŋ] n [Date: 1400 1500; : Latin; Origin: pronga] 1.) a thin sharp point of something such as a fork that has several points ▪ sticking out like the prongs of a garden fork 2.) one of two or three ways of achieving something which are… … Dictionary of contemporary English
prong — [ prɔŋ ] noun count 1. ) a long sharp point, especially one of the points on a fork 2. ) any of the separate stages of a plan or activity: the second prong of the attack … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
point — [n1] speck bit, count, dot, fleck, flyspeck, full stop, iota, mark, minim, mite, mote, notch, particle, period, scrap, stop, tittle, trace; concepts 79,831 point [n2] specific location locality, locus, place, position, site, situation, spot,… … New thesaurus
Prong's Lighthouse — is a lighthouse situated at the southernmost point of Bombay (Mumbai), India in the Colaba area. It was built in 1875 and its beam can be seen at a distance of 30 kilometres (18 miles). It is one of the three lighthouses of the city. The… … Wikipedia
prong — UK [prɒŋ] / US [prɔŋ] noun [countable] Word forms prong : singular prong plural prongs 1) a long sharp point, especially one of the points on a fork 2) any of the separate stages of a plan or activity the second prong of the attack … English dictionary
point — n. & v. n. 1 the sharp or tapered end of a tool, weapon, pencil, etc. 2 a tip or extreme end. 3 that which in geometry has position but not magnitude, e.g. the intersection of two lines. 4 a particular place or position (Bombay and points east;… … Useful english dictionary
point — Synonyms and related words: L, Thule, Ultima Thule, abode, accent, accentuate, ace, acerbity, acidity, acme, acridity, acrimony, aculeate, aculeus, acuminate, acumination, address, advance guard, advantage, affective meaning, aim, aim at, airhead … Moby Thesaurus
point — [pɔɪnt] noun 1》 the tapered, sharp end of a tool, weapon, or other object. ↘Archaeology a pointed flake or blade. ↘Ballet another term for pointe. ↘Boxing the tip of a person s chin as a spot for a blow. ↘the prong of a deer s… … English new terms dictionary
point — I 1. noun 1) the point of a needle Syn: tip, (sharp) end, extremity; prong, spike, tine, nib, barb 2) points of light Syn: pinpoint, dot, spot, speck … Thesaurus of popular words
point — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. object, meaning, significance, intent, aim; speck, dot, spot; place, location; pin, needle, prick, spike, prong, tip, end; limit; goal, site. See importance, sharpness, littleness. v. aim; face, tend … English dictionary for students