- Apor Péter
Apor Peter (1676-1752) was a Hungarian count and historian.
He was born in 1676, and lost his father early. He started his studies in 1686 in
Kolozsvar after he continued it inNagyszombat Hungarian Catholic University. In 1695/96 he gained doctor degree in Law and Free Arts. He returned toTransylvania and remained loyal supporter of theHabsburgs .In 1699 Leopold I nominated him as count of
Küküllő county (highest administrative position in the Hungarian county). He suffered material losses in theRákóczi revolution . In 1704 he lived inKronstadt after fled toWallachia . In 1706 he returned and joint the revolution. In 1707 Colonel Graven captured him and he was kept in custody for 2 years. In 1707 he was excused and nominated asHáromszék royal judge. In 1713 he was granted the countship (as hereditary count, part of the aristocracy, only title).He fled from the epidemic to the
Moldavian Galati and spent few years there. In 1744 he was nominated to government position inVienna as "main court consultant" and received from King Charles III a golden necklace. He did not work in his new position but remained inTransylvania .Works
Metamorphosis Transylvaniae published in 1736
* Lusus mundi et ejusdem actus Scenicus, prout in humillima familia Aporiana ab exitu quidem ex Scythia non interrupta serie nobilis, sic in reliquis eidem sangvine junctis inclitis familiis, opere et veritate. Anno 1727. Synopsis mutationum notabiliorum aetate mea in Transylvania et progressus vitae meae. published in 1727
* Syntagma et syllabus vivorum et mortuorum aetate mea, qui memoriam non fugerunt not published
* Manuscript on the Transylvanian wild animalsLiterature
* Szinnyei József: Magyar írók élete és munkái, Arcanum, Budapest, 2000, ISBN 9638602996
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.