1892 in France

1892 in France

"See also:"
1891 in France,
other events of 1892,
1893 in France.


Events from the year 1892 in France.


*12 July - A hidden lake bursts out of a glacier on the side of Mont Blanc, flooding the valley below and killing around 200 villagers and holidaymakers in Saint-Gervais-les-Bains.
*8 November - Anarchist bomb kills six in police station in Avenue de l'Opera, Paris.
*17 November - French troops occupy Abomey, capital of kingdom of Dahomey.
*Venus of Brassempouy discovered


*20 March - The first ever French rugby championship final takes place in Paris. Pierre de Coubertin referees the match, which Racing Club de France wins 4-3 over Stade Français.


January to March

*22 January - Marcel Dassault, aircraft industrialist (d.1986).
*24 February - Maurice Bouton, rower and Olympic medallist (d.1965).
*10 March - Arthur Honegger, composer (d.1955).
*22 March - Géo-Charles, poet (d.1963).

April to June

*15 April - Joseph-Charles Lefèbvre, Cardinal (d.1973).
*18 April - Eugene Houdry, mechanical engineer (d.1962).
*19 April - Germaine Tailleferre, composer (d.1983).
*26 April - Adrienne Monnier, poet and publisher (d.1955).
*29 April - Henri Bard, international soccer player (d.1951).
*8 May - André Obey, playwright (d.1975).
*10 June - Armand Lunel, writer (d.1977).
*18 June - Victor Fontan, cyclist (d.1982).

July to September

*1 July - Jean Lurçat, painter and tapestry designer (d.1966).
*19 July - Suzanne Malherbe, illustrator and designer (d.1972).
*26 July - Philipp Jarnach, composer (d.1982).
*28 July - Philippe Cattiau, fencer and Olympic gold medallist (d.1964).
*15 August - Louis de Broglie, physicist and a Nobel laureate (d.1987).
*21 August - Charles Vanel, film director and actor (d.1989).
*4 September - Darius Milhaud, composer (d.1974).
*26 September - Émile Dewoitine, aviation engineer and industrialist (d.1979).

October to December

*26 October - André Chapelon, mechanical engineer and designer of steam locomotives (d.1978).
*11 November - Gaston Heuet, athlete and Olympic medallist (d.1979).
*14 November - Dieudonne Costes, aviator (d.1973).
*20 November - Charlotte de La Trémoille, noblewoman (d.1971).
*23 November - Romain de Tirtoff, artist and designer (d.1990).

Full date unknown

*Marcel Gromaire, painter (d.1971).
*Maurice d'Hartoy, soldier, politician and writer (d.1981).
*Robert Lingat, academic scholar (d.1972).


*22 April - Édouard Lalo, composer (b.1823).
*1 June - Louis Janmot, painter and poet (b.1814).
*22 June - Pierre Ossian Bonnet, mathematician (b.1819).
*29 July - Pierre Edmond Teisserenc de Bort, writer and politician (b.1814).
*30 September - Hector-Jonathan Crémieux, librettist and playwright (b.1828).
*12 October - Ernest Renan, philosopher and writer (b.1823).
*4 November - Hervé, composer, librettist and conductor (b.1825).
*26 November - Charles Lavigerie, Cardinal, Primate of Africa (b.1825).

Full date unknown

*Pierre Louis Charles de Failly, General (b.1810).
*Alphonse Sagebien, hydrological engineer (b.1807).
*Jean Antoine Villemin, physician (b.1827).


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