HD 16175 b

HD 16175 b

Planetbox begin
name = HD 16175 b
Planetbox star
star = HD 16175
constell = Perseus
RA = RA|02|37|01.9110
DEC = DEC|+42|03|45.479
dist_ly = 195
dist_pc = 59.8
class = G0
Planetbox orbit
semimajor = 2.07
semimajor_gigameter = 310
periastron = 1.08
periastron_gigameter = 162
apastron = 3.06
apastron_gigameter = 458
eccentricity = 0.48±0.1
period = 856±80
period_year = 2.34
period_megasecond = 74.0
speed = 26.4
ang_dist = 34.615
long_peri = 223.2±8
t_peri = 2452950±100
semi-amp = 54.1
Planetbox character
mass = >4.5
radius = ~1.022
density = ~5590
gravity_earth = ~11.4
gravity = ~112
temperature = ~253
Planetbox discovery
discovery_date = Sept 20, 2007
published Oct 22, 2007
discoverers = Johnson "et al"
discovery_site = Lick Observatory
discovery_method = radial velocity
discovery_status = Published
Planetbox catalog
names = HIP 12191 b

HD 16175 b is an extrasolar planet located approximately 195 light-years away in the constellation of Perseus, orbiting the star HD 16175. This planet masses 4.5 times that of Jupiter. However, the mass is only minimum since inclination of the orbital plane is not known. This planet orbits at about 310 gigameters, taking 2.34 years to revolve around the star. The orbit of the planet is eccentric at 48%. At periastron, the distance is close as 161 Gm; and at apastron, the distance is far as 459 Gm from the parent yellow star.

As it is typical for most exoplanets found so far, it used the technique called radial velocity or “wobble method”. It was discovered on September 20, 2007 and published on October 22, 2007 by Johnson "et al" and other team members.

See also

* HD 167042 b
* Kappa Coronae Borealis b



External links


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