- Pierre Jaccoud
Pierre Jaccoud (*1905) was a
Swiss lawyer and politician ("cantonal boss" of theRadical Party inGeneva ). He was convicted of the murder ofCharles Zumbach in a trial that remains controversial to this day.Jaccoud had "been
Aly Khan 'sattorney during his divorce fromRita Hayworth , and he represented innumerable Swiss and foreign companies in Geneva's tightly controlled banking community." [ [http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,826048-1,00.html "L'Affaire Poupette"] ,Time Magazine, February 1st, 1960.]Jaccoud was accused of having murdered Charles Zumbach on 1 May 1958, in
Plan-les-Ouates , near Geneva. [Stéphane Jourat , [http://www.affaires-criminelles.com/livre_229.php "L Affaire Jaccoud"] , Editor: Fleuve Noir, 1992.] After a business trip toSweden and on "his return to Geneva in June 1958, Jaccoud was arrested." Jaccoud's court case is also known as "L'Affaire Poupette ". [ [http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,826048-1,00.html "L'Affaire Poupette"] ,Time Magazine, February 1st, 1960.]After a trial, he was convicted of the murder and sentenced to seven years in prison. Later studies claimed that he was wrongly convicted.Fact|date=July 2008
External links
Sylvie Arsever , [http://www.letemps.ch/dossiers/dossiersarticle.asp?ID=210923 "Affaire Jaccoud: l'ombre d'un doute?"] , Le Temps, 9th of July, 2007.
* [http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,826048-1,00.html "L'Affaire Poupette"] ,Time Magazine, 1st of February, 1960.
* [http://aolsvc.timeforkids.kol.aol.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,871461,00.html "The Verdict"] ,Time Magazine, 15th of February, 1960Bibliography
Stéphane Jourat , "L Affaire Jaccoud", Editor:Fleuve Noir , 1992.ources
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.