Peter Schilperoort

Peter Schilperoort

Infobox musical artist
Name =Peter Schilperoort
Background = musician
Birth_name = Peter Schilperoort
Born = birth date|1919|11|4
The Hague, The Netherlands
Died = death date|1990|11|17
Origin = The Hague, The Netherlands
Genre = Jazz, Dixieland, old-style jazz
Occupation = musician

Peter Schilperoort (born November 4, 1919) was a Dutch musician, famous for his work with the Dutch Swing College Band, and projects with other well-known musicians. He is most recognised as a saxophone and clarinet player, but also played the guitar and the banjo. Leading the Dutch Swing College Band from 1946 to 1955, then from 1960 to 1990, his style was Dixieland, a style popular at the start of the 20th century. His band became widely popular across Europe, Australia, Asia and South America in 1960, known as a Dixieland revival band. His legacy in old-style jazz has been understated. He had two sons, Bill Schilperoort and Bert Schilperoort, who live in The Netherlands and England respectively. Bert is also a jazz musician. Peter Schilperoort was survived by Ankie Schilperoort, who still lives on The Kaag, near Amsterdam.


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