Józef Ondrusz

Józef Ondrusz

Infobox Writer
name = Józef Ondrusz

imagesize =
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birthdate = Birth date|1918|3|18
birthplace = Darkau, Austria-Hungary
deathdate = death date and age|1996|5|27|1918|3|18
deathplace = Darkov, Czech Republic
occupation = Folklorist and writer
ethnicity = Polish
citizenship = Czechoslovak, Czech
period =
genre =
subject =
movement =
notableworks = "Godki śląskie"
spouse =
partner =
children =
relatives =
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influenced =
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Józef Ondrusz (18 March 191827 May 1996) was a Polish teacher, writer and folklorist from the Zaolzie region of Cieszyn Silesia.

Ondrusz was born in the village of Darków to a coal miner. He graduated from a Polish grammar school in Frysztat and later from teachers' seminary in Ostrava. After World War II Ondrusz taught at the Polish school in Darków and wrote several schoolbooks for Polish schools in Zaolzie. He also co-founded magazines for children, "Jutrzenka" and "Ogniwo". [Sikora 2008, 3.] He was an active member of PZKO (Polish Cultural and Educational Union) and also became active in the Polish scouting in Czechoslovakia. He earned a doctorate in 1972 for his thesis "Proza ludowa Śląska Cieszyńskiego 1845-1970" ("Folk Prose of Cieszyn Silesia 1845-1970"). [Radłowska-Obrusnik et al 1997, 163.]

Ondrusz was fascinated by the culture and traditions of Cieszyn Silesia and was a keen collector of everything related to regional culture. He eventually published traditional folk fables, proverbs and stories, often literally adapting them.

He wrote his works in literary Polish and in the local dialect. His works focus mostly on regional folklore, culture and fables.

Ondrusz also contributed to the popularization of bookplates in Cieszyn Silesia in the 1960s. Many notable Polish and Czech artists made bookplates for him. [Owczarzy 2008, 35.]

Józef Ondrusz died in Darków and is buried in the nearby village of Stonava.


* "Godki śląskie" (1956, 1973, 1974, 1977)
* "Przysłowia i powiedzenia ludowe ze Śląska Cieszyńskiego" (1960)
* "Śląskie opowieści ludowe" (1963)
* "Proza górników karwińskich" (1974)
* "Wspominki okupacyjne" (1981)
* "Cudowny chleb" (1984, 1986)
* "O ptaszku Złotodzióbku i inne bajki" (1986)



* cite book
last = Málková
first = Iva
coauthors = and Svatava Urbanová
title = Literární slovník severní Moravy a Slezska (1945-2000)
publisher = Votobia
date = 2001
location = Olomouc
pages =
url =
doi =
isbn = 80-7198-515-5

* cite journal
last = Owczarzy
first = Władysław
authorlink =
coauthors =
title = Ekslibrisy
journal = Zwrot
month = 8
year = 2008
pages = 34–35
date =
doi =
id =

* cite book
last = Radłowska-Obrusnik
first = Martyna
coauthors = and Otylia Toboła
title = Leksykon PZKO
publisher = Zarząd Główny PZKO
date = 1997
location = Czeski Cieszyn
pages =
url = http://www.kc-cieszyn.pl/biblioteka/strony/ramka.php?autor=leksykon&licz=1
doi =
oclc = 189531468

* cite news
first = Władysław
last = Sikora
authorlink =
title = O Józefie Ondruszu
format =
work = Głos Ludu
location =
page = 3
date = 2008-04-01

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