

Horex was a motorcycle manufacturer in Bad Homburg, Germany. It was founded in 1923 by the Rex glassware company, which conflated Homburg and Rex to create the brand name.

Horex built motorcycles with Columbus four-stroke engines from Oberursel. In 1925 Horex and Columbus merged. Horex developed a range of models with single-cylinder Columbus engines from 250cc to 600cc. In 1933 it added two parallel twin models: the 600cc S6 and 800cc S8. Both twins have chain-driven overhead camshaft (OHC) valvegear.

The Second World War interrupted motorcycle production, but Horex resumed in 1948 with a 350cc single-cylinder model, the SB 35 Regina. This model was highly successful: in 1953 for example Horex sold 18,600 of them. In 1951 Horex added a 30 bhp 500cc OHC parallel twin called the Imperator. In 1954 it added a 400cc, 26 bhp version of this twin to its range. In 1955 the company replaced the Regina with the Resident.

Daimler-Benz took over the company in 1960 and motorcycle production was terminated.

External links

[http://www.horex.ch/club/horeximtoeff.htm Swiss website about Horex motorcycles]

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