- John Elkington
John Elkington has been described by Business Week [http://www.businessweek.com] , as the "dean of the corporate-responsibility movement for three decades." His many endeavors include: Founder & Non-Executive Director of the think tank and consultancy
SustainAbility [http://www.sustainability.com] , a think tank and consultancy devoted and committed to improving economic, social and environmental sustainability, through the improvement of business practices and markets. He has also coined the term "Triple Bottom Line " ["Cannibals with Forks: The Triple Bottom Line of 21st Century Business, 1999] .He is the Founding Partner & Director ofVolans Ventures [http://www.volans.com] .Books
Partial list:
* "The Power of Unreasonable People: How Social Entrepreneurs Create Markets That Change the World" by John Elkington (Author), Pamela Hartigan (Author), Klaus Schwab (Foreword), (2008)
* "Making Sustainability Work: Best Practices in Managing and Measuring Corporate Social, Environmental and Economic Impacts" by Marc J Epstein (Author), John Elkington (Foreword), Herman B Leonard (Foreword), (2008)
* "The Sustainability Advantage: Seven Business Case Benefits of a Triple Bottom Line" by Bob Willard (Author), John Elkington (Foreword), (2002)
* "The Chrysalis Economy: How Citizen CEOs and Corporations Can Fuse Values and Value Creation" (2001)
* "Cannibals with Forks: The Triple Bottom Line of 21st Century Business" (1999)
* "The Ecology of Tomorrow's World" (Hardcover, 1980)
* "The Green Capitalists: Industry's Search for Environmental Excellence" by John Elkington with Tom Burke (1987)
* "The Green Consumer: Revised Edition" (A Tilden Press Book) by Joel Makower, John Elkington, and Julia Hailes (Paperback, 1993)
* "The Green Consumer Guide" by John Elkington and Julia Hailes Joel Makower (Paperback, 1990)
* "The Gene Factory" (Hardcover, 1985)
* "The Green Business Guide" by John Elkington and Peter Knight (1991)
* "Green Pages" by John Elkington, Tom Burke, and Julia Hailes (Paperback, 1988)
* "The Green Consumer Supermarket Shopping Guide" , by JOHN ELKINGTON (Hardcover, 1990)
* "The Young Green Consumer's Guide" by John Elkington, Julia Hailes, Douglas Hill, and Tony Ross (Paperback, 1990)
* "Thailand: Natural Resources Profile" (Natural Resources of South-East Asia) by Anat Arbhabhirama, Dhira Phantumvanit, and John Elkington (Hardcover, 1988)
* "The Green Consumer's Supermarket Pocket Guide" (Hardcover, 1990)
* "The Gren Consumer's Guide: From Shampoo to Champagne: High-Street Shopping for a Better Environment" by John Elkington & Julia Hailes (Hardcover, 1989)
* "The Natural House Book" by David Pearson and John Elkington (Paperback, 1992)
* "Manual 2000" by John Elkington and Julia Hailes (Paperback, 1998)
* "Bio-Japan: The emerging Japanese challenge in biotechnology" (Paperback, 1985)
* "Sun Traps: The Renewable Energy Forecast" (Pelican), (Paperback, 1984)
* "A Year in the Greenhouse" (Hardcover, 1991)
* "Cleaning Up: US Waste Management Technology and Third World Development" (Wri Papers,) by John Elkington and Jonathan Shopley (Paperback, 1989)
* "The Gene Factory: Inside the Genetic and Biotechnology Business Revolution" (Hardcover, 1985)
* "The Green Consumer Supermarket Shopping Guide" by Joel Makower, John Elkington, and Julia Hailes (Paperback, 1991)
* "Holidays That Don't Cost the Earth" by John Elkington and Julia Hailes (Paperback, 1992)
* "Going Green: A Kid's Handbook to Saving the Planet" by John Elkington, Julia Hailes, Joel Makower, and Douglas Hill (Paperback, 1990)
* "The Poisoned Womb: Human Reproduction in a Polluted World" (1987)
* "The Shrinking Planet: U.S. Information Technology and Sustainable Development (Wri Paper, No 3)" by John Elkington and Jonathan Shopley (1988)
*"Double Dividends? US Biotechnology and Third World Development (Wri Paper, No 2)" (Paperback, Nov 1986)Awards
Recipient: 2008 Social Capitalist Award,
Fast Company
Bryanston School , 1966.
* BA (Hons) in Sociology and Social Psychology,University of Essex , 1970.
* M. Phil. in Urban & Regional Planning,University College London , 1974.References
External links
* [http://www.fastcompany.com/social/2008/articles/john-elkington.html Q&A: John Elkington - "We're 40 years into a 70-year process"] , "FastCompany.com"
* [http://www.businessweek.com/bwdaily/dnflash/jul2004/nf20040720_9215_db039.htm Two Views of the Global Compact] , "BusinessWeek "
* [http://www.johnelkington.com/downloads/twentyyearsafter.pdf Twenty Years After] , "JohnElkington.com" (PDF file)
* [http://www.volans.com Volans Ventures Website]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.