Two pence

Two pence

Two pence or Tuppence may refer to:

* Two pence (British decimal coin), a coin of the United Kingdom
* Two pence (Irish decimal coin), the third smallest denomination of the Irish pound
* Tuppence (detective), a recurring character in the works of Agatha Christie

ee also

* Threepence
* Five pence
* Sixpence
* Ten pence
* Twenty pence
* Twenty-five pence
* Fifty pence

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  • two|pence — «TUHP uhns», noun. 1. two British pennies; two pence. 2. a British silver coin worth two pence (since 1662 minted only on special occasions). 3. a British copper coin worth two pence (minted in the reign of George III). Also, tuppence …   Useful english dictionary

  • Two-pence — (spr. Toppenß), englische Münze von 2 Pence …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • two pence — twopence /tupˈəns/ or (decimalized currency) two pence /too pens/ noun 1. The sum of two pennies 2. A coin worth two pence • • • Main Entry: ↑two * * * ˌtwo ˈpence [two pence] (also …   Useful english dictionary

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  • two pence piece — ˌtwo ˈpence [two pence] (also ˌtwo pence ˈpiece, 2p [ˌtuː ˈpiː] ; [ˌtuː ˈpiː] ) nou …   Useful english dictionary

  • Two pence (British decimal coin) — This article describes the British decimal two pence coin, issued from 1971. For the pre decimal twopence, issued between 1660 and 1798, please see the article on Maundy money. Infobox Coin Denomination = Two pence Country = United Kingdom Value …   Wikipedia

  • Two pence (Irish decimal coin) — IrishCoinInfobox EN NAME = Two Pence GA NAME = Dhá Phingin DESIGN = Ornamental Bird The two pence coin was the third smallest denomination of the Irish pound which was decimalised on Decimal Day, February 15, 1971. It was the third of three new… …   Wikipedia

  • two·pence — …   Useful english dictionary

  • your two pence worth — your two cents or your two cents worth or your two pence worth your two cents worth or your two pence worth used for saying what your opinion is about something Take this poll, and please leave your two cents worth explaining your answer! I ve… …   English dictionary

  • two — two; two·fold·ness; two·ling; two·ness; two·pence; two·some; two·fer; two·pen·ny; …   English syllables

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