Puyo, Pastaza

Puyo, Pastaza

Puyo, also known as El Puyo, is the capital of Pastaza, a province in Ecuador. Puyo is located at an altitude of approximately 950 AMSL by the Puyo River, a tributary of the Pastaza River, which eventually leads into the Amazon River.

Puyo was founded in 1899. Located between Baños, and the Amazonian cities of Tena and Macas, Puyo is the commercial, cultural and political capital of the region. The city is connected by road with Ambato, and from there to the major urban areas of Ecuador. In late 2006, the city had approximately 25,000 inhabitants. It was the fastest growing city in Ecuador in 2006.Fact|date=April 2008 The seasonal changes in the climate are relatively small, and daytime temperature typically range between 18-24 °C, with sun and generally short, but heavy periods of rain daily.

A small airport is located in the small town of Shell, approximately 10 kilometres north-west of Puyo. Small aircraft, both private and commercial, depart daily to small airstrips in the Amazon Rainforest.

The Puyo Carnaval, a famous Ecuadorian holiday, is on February 3rd and 4th. The custom is to have small neighbourhood parties, and water fights are sometimes involved. Other major holidays are the Day of the Ecuadorian East Amazon on February 12th, and the chonta-palm festival.


* [http://www.enjoyecuador.net/english/what-new/banos-puyo.shtml Puyo] - enjoyecuador.net. Accessed 2008-04-03.
* [http://www.thebestofecuador.com/puyo.htm Puyo] - thebestofecuador.com. Accessed 2008-04-03.
* [http://population-of.com/en/Ecuador/17/Puyo/ Population Of Puyo.] Accessed 2008-04-03.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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