

Go-Stop is a Korean card game usually played with a version of Japanese flower cards. Typically, there are two or the players. The general point of this game is to score points, usually 3 or 7, and then call a Go or a Stop. When a Go is called, the game continues, and the amount of points or money, is doubled, tripled, quadrupled and so on. If a Stop is called, the game ends and the winner collects their winnings.


The deck is shuffled as any other deck is shuffled. In a two-player game, ten cards are given to each player, and eight cards are shown face up in the middle. The deck is then placed in the center between the cards shown. In a three player game, 7 cards are given to each player and six cards are shown face up.


The game is played by the dealer first, then going counter-clockwise. Each player will attempt to match a card face up with a card in their hand by its shape and figure, and then flip over a card on the top of the deck. If the card on top also matches the two cards chosen, then this triplet of cards stays in the middle until the player with the fourth card captures the set. Some cards do not look like they match. As the game continues on, some people will not have the card they wish to match. In this case, the player puts down one of their cards, and flips over a card from the deck, the game is then played on normally.

As gameplay continues, the object of the game is to create scoring combinations for points until a group of cards are equal into points, either three or seven to call a Go or a Stop.

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