

"Főzelék" is a type of thick Hungarian vegetable dish. It is a vegetable stew simply cooked, typically by simmering, not mashed. It is usually not cooked with meat, but bacon and spicy sausage may be added for flavor. Főzelék is often eaten as the main course for lunch or like a garnish for different meat courses.

Főzelék can be made with a variety of ingredients including cabbage, bell pepper, green pepper, potatoes, sauerkraut, tomatoes, peas, lentils, kidney beans, squash (Zucchini Squash with Dill or Tokfozelek [June Meyers Authentic Hungarian Heirloon Recipes Cookbook] ), mushroom, spinach, green beans or mixed vegetables like the dish called lecsó.Flour and sour cream are usually added, even chopped onions, paprika, bay leaf, black peppercorn, dill, caraway seeds, garlic, lemon juice, parsley or vinegar. [Gundel´s Hungarian Cookbook, Karoly Gundel. ] If eaten alone it is often topped with pörkölt, fried eggs, smoked sausage, Hungarian meatballs flavoured with garlic, called "fasirt", and other deep-fried foods.


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