Objectives of the programme
Innovative Multicultural Curricula (IMCC) for the Young EC and US Engineers and Scientists.
IMCC is a framework project for Master student mobility across the Atlantic ocean, adapted for a limit set of European and US technolgy instititutes and universities.
"The IMCC project effectively combines academic and cultural exchange activities for undergraduate, graduate and post-graduate students with a range of science and engineering subjects. In addition to student exchanges between the European Union and the USA, the programme provides for staff exchanges as well as joint research and joint curriculum development with mutual academic recognition. IMCC thus enables visiting American students not only to meet theircounterparts from the host university, but also from partner institutions in other countries. Similar opportunities are available to European students visiting US universities. The cultural dimension is reinforced by participation in events such as orientation weeks, visits to companies and industry fairs, theatregoing, sporting activities and sightseeing.Activities on offer have ranged from attending graduation ceremonies to watching hot air balloon races." (Extract from [http://ec.europa.eu/education/programmes/eu-usa/project/us_9609_outec.pdf description] ).
Past and future
The 10-year success of this EC-US exchange programme established in 1996 has been celebrated and the European Commission committed to proceed on the joint-funding alongside with other EU and US partners. Hundreds post-graduate students have benefited from this programme for either research internships or MSc cursus. Tens faculty members have benefited from this programme.
European partners
École centrale de Lille
*Université Lille Nord de France - University of Science and Technology of Lille (USTL)
*Technische Universität München
*Université Catholique de Louvain - [http://www.uclouvain.be/3779.html Exchanges]
*Université Libre de Bruxelles - [http://www.ulb.ac.be/polytech/faculte/etudes/echanges/usa.html IMCC-to USA] - [http://www.ulb.ac.be/polytech/faculte/etudes/echanges/in/usa-in.html IMCC-from USA]
*Politecnico di Milano
*University of Zaragoza
*Brunel University West LondonUS partner universities
The University of Texas at Austin - [http://www.fipse.aed.org/grantshow.cfm?grantNumber=P116J960043 FIPSE grants]
*Oklahoma State University–Stillwater
*University of Virginia
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