- Acrotomophilia
Acrotomophilia refers to the sexual interest in amputees (from the Greek "akron" [extremity] , "tomein" [to cut] and "philein" [to love] ). The term "amelotatism" has also been used to describe this interest. The sexual interest in "being" an amputee is "
apotemnophilia ".John Money , Kent W. Simcoe. 1984. [http://www.springerlink.com/content/k731445740p1g7q8/ Sexuality and Disability Journal. "Acrotomophilia, sex and disability: New concepts and case report".] Springer Netherlands. ISSN 0146-1044 (Print) 1573-6717 (Online).] [Janice M. Irvine. (2005). [http://books.google.co.uk/books?id=uIJXT7ZCTCsC&pg=PA4 Disorders of Desire: Sexuality And Gender In Modern American Sexology] . ISBN 1592131514. (p. 4).] John Money (1977) used the terms "autoapotemnophilia" and "alloapotemnophilia" to describe the erotic interest of wanting to be or appear as an amputee versus wanting amputees as sexual partners; [Money, J., Jobaris, R., & Furth, G. (1977). Apotemnophilia: Two cases of self demand amputation as a sexual preference. "The Journal of Sex Research, 13," 115–124.] neither term has been widely used since.Interests and behaviours
In a survey of acrotomophiles, leg amputations were preferred over arm amputations; amputations of a single limb, over double amputations; and amputations that left a stump, over amputations that left no stump. [Dixon, D. (1983). An erotic attraction to amputees. "Sexuality and Disability, 6," 3–19.] According to Solvang (2007), “Devotees adhere to standard conceptions of attractiveness in all other matters outside of amputations.” [Solvang, P. (2007). The amputee body desired: Beauty destabilized? Disability re-valued? "Sex and Disability, 25," 51–64.] Digital images (usually from porn sites) are often produced or modified to represent a desirable amputation or amputee. This procedure may be known as Electronic Surgery (abbreviated "ES") within the internet fetish communities.
Community groups and language
Groups dedicated to the benefits and pleasure gained from amputation as an actual practise or as a fictional concept have developed on the internet. Members of these communities may refer to their status as an "Amputee Devotee", "Amputee Wannabe", "Amputee Lover", or "Amputee Admirer".
Two- and three-letter
abbreviations are also used between the members of the communities to describe types of limb amputations.* AK: Above Knee
* AE: Above Elbow
* BK: Below Knee
* BE: Below ElbowThe addition of L or R indicates right or left. The abbreviation LBK would thus describe a left leg amputated below the knee.
Single Amputations begin with an “S”. For example, a single amputation of one arm would be called “SAE” for “Single Above Elbow”. If the single amputation were on the left or right arm (Above the elbow), it would be called “LAE” or “RAE” respectively. And if the amputation were below the elbow, it would be called “LBE” or “RBE” respectively. The same goes for amputations occurring on the legs, where single above the knee would be “SAK” or “LAK/RAK” following the previous logic. There would also be “LBK/RBK” for under the knee.
Identical amputations on both sides of the body are prefaced by a "D": DAK would describe a double above-knee amputee. These are also known as "bilateral" amputations, so BAK would be equally valid.
Disarticulation Amputation involves the removal of bones at the joint by the Amputation of the joint. The addition of L, R, D, or B apply.* WD: Wrist Disarticulation
* ED: Elbow Disarticulation
* SD: Shoulder Disarticulation* AD: Ankle Disarticulation.The AD amputation is also known as an "Symes amputation" after Dr. James Syme.
* KD: Knee Disarticulation
* HD: Hip DisarticulationThe absence of three limbs and the total absence of limbs is described by the terms TRIPLE and QUAD amputee.Thus, the most extreme form of amputation would be a DSD + DHD. A double hip and double shoulder disarticulation, that will leave the person without any stumps, disabling the ability to use any artificial aids.
Within the Amputee Devotee Community, there are trace amounts of finger and toe amputation devotions that can be found. Even though these attractions are equally valid, there is no single, well known system for identifying specific such amputations.
There is also a small group of devotees that have fetishes with amputations of the eyes.
RI-Right eye
LI-Left eye
Ethical issues
Some people question whether amputating one's own body parts or operating on a partner for the sake of sexual pleasure is ethical. For some, modifying the body is a private ritual of self-ownership and freedom of choice. Psychiatrists may make a diagnosis of
Body integrity identity disorder (B.I.I.D.). [Robin Marantz Henig. (March 22, 2005) [http://www.nytimes.com/2005/03/22/health/psychology/22ampu.html At War With Their Bodies, They Seek to Sever Limbs] .The New York Times . Retrieved: 2008.02.08.] [fleshbot.com (March 22, 2005) [http://www.fleshbot.com/sex/found/devotees-pretenders-and-wannabes-036808.php Devotees, Pretenders and Wannabes.] ]See also
*Attraction to disability
*Disability pretenders
*Body dysmorphic disorder
*Genital modification and mutilation
*Boxing Helena , a feature film concerning amputee fetishismReferences
External links
* [http://www.amputee-online.com/amputee/acrotomophile.html The Acrotomophile (or devotee): An Amputee's Perspective.] Ian Gregson (2007). Retrieved: 2008.02.08.
* [http://www.overground.be/ Overground website]
* [http://www.transabled.org/ Transabled website]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.