

Bochica is a figure in the mythology of the Muisca (Chibcha) culture, which existed during the arrival of the Spanish conquistadores in areas comprising parts of present day Colombia and Panama. He was the founding hero of their civilization, who according to legend brought morals and laws to the people and taught them agriculture and other crafts.

Similarly to the Incan god Viracocha, the Aztec god Quetzalcoatl and several other deities from Central and South American pantheons, Bochica is described in legends as being bearded. The beard, once mistaken as a mark of a prehistoric European influence and quickly fueled and embellished by spirits of the colonial era, had its single significance in the continentally insular culture of Mesoamerica. The "Anales de Cuauhtitlan" is a very important early source which is particularly valuable for having been originally written in Nahuatl. The Anales de Cuauhtitlan describes the attire of Quetzalcoatl at Tula:

"Immediately he made him his green mask; he took red color with which he made the lips russet; he took yellow to make the facade; and he made the fangs; continuing, he made his beard of feathers..." (Anales de Cuauhtitlan., 1975, 9.)"

In this quote the beard is represented as a dressing of feathers, fitting comfortably with academic impressions of Mesoamerican art. The connotation of the word 'beard' by Spanish colonizers was grossly abused as foundation for embellishment and fabrication of an original European influence in Mesoamerica.

Interestingly, not one "cultural" representation of either of these gods, painted or sculpted, show them bearded in any sense the Spanish colonizers believed they would have been. No evidence in the abundance of Mesoamerican art are their signs of European influence, most stridently ruled out by the likenesses they gave themselves and their gods.

[ [] Brant Gardner, 1998]

There have been questions on the authenticity of the preserved stories, and to what level they have been corrupted by the beliefs and imagery incorporated by Spanish Christian missionaries and monks who first chronicled the native legends. [cite book| author=Paul Herrmann, Michael Bullock| year=1954|title= Conquest by Man| publisher=Harper & Brothers| pages=p. 186|oclc=41501509]


According to Chibcha legends, Bochica was a bearded man who came from the east. He taught the barbaric Chibcha people ethical and moral norms and gave them a model by which to organize their states, with one spiritual and one secular leader. Bochica also taught the people agriculture, metalworking and other crafts before leaving for the west to live as an ascetic. When the Chibcha later forsook the teachings of Bochica and turned to a life of excess, a flood engulfed the Savannah of Bogotá, where they lived. Upon appealing for aid from their hero, Bochica returned on a rainbow and with a strike from his staff, created the Tequendama Falls, through which the floodwaters could drain away. [cite book| author=Arthur Flagg Cotterell| title=A Dictionary of World Mythology| publisher=Oxford University Press| year=1986| pages=p. 204 |isbn=0-192-17747-8] cite book| las=Silverberg|first=Robert|authorlink=Robert Silverberg| origyear=1967 | year=1996| title=The Golden Dream: Seekers of El Dorado| publisher=Ohio University Press |isbn=0-8214-1170-5| pages=p. 98-99] After saving the Muisca people, Bochica again retreated to a life of ascetism. [ [ Bochica Information.] Retrieval Date: March 30, 2008.]

Notes and References

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