Slovenske gorice

Slovenske gorice

Slovenske gorice (sometimes translated as "Slovene wineyards") with an area of 1017 km2, is the largest hilly region of Slovenia. It is situated in the northeastern part of the country and comprises the "Western Slovenske gorice" and the "Eastern Slovenske gorice" (named also Prlekija). The region is known for its vineyards and wines. The central town and municipality is Lenart. The municipality lies at approximately 46°38'N 15°35'EG.

The Slovenske gorice area consists of Tertiary hills, for the most part lower than 400 meters elevation, and one of the most individualized landscapes of Slovenia. There is a multitude of low ridges and hills traversed by numerous river valleys, which extend from the northwest towards southeast almost linearly. They border the Mura river to the east, the Drava river to the west, Croatia to the south, and the Gomilica river in Austria to the north. The climate is subpannonian with a marked thermal change. The average annual precipitation is 1000 mm.

In 1991 Slovenske gorice had 92 320 inhabitants, but the number is gradually diminishing. Larger serried settlements have formed only along the brooks "Velka", "Globovnica", and "Jakobski potok". Elsewhere farms are densely disposed in long strips along the hill ridges.

The region has been included in the European Natura 2000 network. It is the only nesting region for the European Roller ("Coracias garrulus") in Slovenia. The Green Woodpecker ("Picus viridis"), the Hoopoe ("Upupa epops"), the Common Redstart ("Phoenicurus phoenicurus"), the Turtle Dove ("Streptopelia turtur"), the Red-backed Shrike ("Lanius collurio"), and the Yellowhammer ("Emberiza citrenella") nest there as well.

External links

* [ A map of Slovenske gorice] .

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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