Lev Bulat

Lev Bulat

'Lev Petrovich Bulat (Russian: Лев Петрович Булат), a Russian physicist and engineer, was born April 11, 1947, Chernovtsy, Ukraine. In 1988 he received a D.Sc in Physics and Mathematics, from Leningrad Polytechnical Institute, with the thesis: "Transport Phenomena in Semiconductors under Large Temperature Gradients".Fact|date=March 2008

Awards and Grants

* 2007. A grant of SSHN (France).EERSS Program. Singapore.
* 2006. The Certificate of Honor, the Ministry of Education and Sciences, Russian Federation.
* 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000, 1999 and 1996. Eight grants of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research.
* 2005. A grant of SSHN (France).
* 2004, 2007. Two grants of CONACYT (Mexico).
* 2003–2004. A grant of the Ministry of Education, Russian Federation .
* 1997. A grant of the McArthour Foundation (USA).
* 1997–2000. A holder of a personal grant of the Russian Academy of Science as an outstanding scientist.
* 1997. Two grants of the Material Research Society (USA).
* 1993–1994. Three grants of the International Science Foundation, USA.


L. Bulat is the author of 9 books, 190 scientific papers, of 5 patents, and of several hundred other publications.


1. Bulat L.P., Yang Y.S. Thermoelectric Energy Conversion with Application to Solar Energy. Seoul, Jungin I&D Co., Ltd, Korea, 2006, 80 p.

2. Afanasyeva N.A., Bulat L.P. Electrical and electronic engineering. St. Petersburg State University of Refrigeration and Food Engineering: 2006, St. Petersburg, Russia, 185 p.

3. Timofeevskiy L.S., Bulat L.P. et al. Heat and design culculation of refrigeration machines, heat pumps and heat-transformers. Part 1. Calculation of cycles, thermodynamic and thermal properties of working substances. SPbUR&FE: 2006, St. Petersburg Russia, 456 p.

4. Thermoelectric Refrigeration. Bulat L.P., Vedernikov M.V., Vyalov A.P. et al. Ed. by L.P.Bulat. St. Petersburg State University of Refrigeration and Food Engineering: 2002, St. Petersburg, Russia, 147 p.

5. Bulat L.P., Buzin E.V. Thermoelectric cooling systems. St. Petersburg State University of Refrigeration and Food Engineering: 2001, St. Petersburg, Russia, 42 p.

6. Anatychuk L.I. and Bulat L.P. Semiconductors under extreme temperature conditions. “Nauka”, St. Petersburg, 2001, Russia, 224 p.

7. Bulat L.P. Transport Phenomena in Semiconductors under Large Temperature Gradients. LPI, Leningrad, 1987, 300 p.

8. Bulat L.P. and Tomchuk P.M. Solution of kinetic equation under condition of strong heterogeneity. Kiev, Institute of Physics, 1987.

9. Bulat L.P., Demchishin E.I., Snarsky A.A. and Tomchuk P.M. Non-linear effective kinetic coefficients in heterogeneous media. Kiev, Institute of Physics, 1984.


*Bulat L.P. et al. The Bearing Unit // Patent # SU 1765567. Priority from 08.02.89. Published 30.09.92. USSR.
*Anatychuk L.I., Bulat L.P. and Jatsjuk V.G. Thermoelement // Patent # SU 1630577. Priority from 20.01.88. USSR.
*Bulat L.P. and Gutsal D.D. The Linear Motor // Patent # SU 1394348. Priority from 23.07.85. Published 07.05.88. USSR.
*Bulat L.P. and Demchishin E.I. The Method of Generating Transverse Thermoelectric Power in Single Crystals of High Symmetry // Patent # SU 1484215. Priority from 12.01.87. USSR.
*Bulat L.P. and Gutsal D.D. The Heat Flux Sensor // Patent # SU 1545103. Priority from 10.11.87. Published 23.02.90. USSR.

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