XML Shareable Playlist Format

XML Shareable Playlist Format

Infobox file format
name = XSPF
extension = .xspf
mime = application/xspf+xml
owner = [http://xiph.org/ Xiph.Org Foundation]
creatorcode =
genre = Playlist
containerfor =
containedby =
extendedfrom = XML
extendedto =

XML Shareable Playlist Format (XSPF), pronounced "spiff", is an XML-based playlist format for digital media, sponsored by the Xiph.Org Foundation. Lucas Gonze of Yahoo.com/Webjay.org originated the format in 2004.

XSPF is a data format for sharing the kind of playlist that can be played on a personal computer or portable device. In the same way that any user on any computer can open any web page, XSPF is intended to provide portability for playlists.


* A playlist format like M3U or ASX
* MIME content-type of application/xspf+xml
* Patent-free (no patents by the primary authors)
* Specification under the Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 2.5 license
* XML, like Atom
* Unicode support
* Cross-platform support


XSPF was created by an ad-hoc working group which kicked off in February 2004, achieved rough consensus on version 0 in April 2004, worked on implementations and fine tuning throughout summer and fall 2004, and declared the tuned version to be version 1 in January 2005.

XSPF is not yet an Internet standard, and is not a recommendation of any standards body besides Xiph.Org Foundation.


For detailed documentation, see the [http://xspf.org/xspf-v1.html XSPF Version 1 specification] .

Example of an XSPF 1.0 Playlist

Internal Example file:///C:/music/foo.mp3 External Example http://www.example.com/music/bar.ogg

Content Resolution

Traditionally playlists have been composed of file paths that pointed to individual titles. This allowed a playlist to be played locally on one machine or shared if the listed file paths were URLs accessible to more than one machine (i.e. on the web). XSPF's meta-data rich open format has permitted a new kind of playlist sharing called content resolution.

In the simplest terms, content resolution is the local recreation of a playlist based on meta-data. A content resolver will open XSPF playlists and search a catalog for every title with , and tags, then recreate the playlist with the available matching titles. A catalog may be a collection of media files on a local disk, a music subscription service like Yahoo! Music Unlimited or some other searchable archive. The end result are shareable playlists that are not tied to a specific collection or service.<p><strong>oftware</strong><p>* <A HREF="537139">Amarok</a><br>* <A HREF="1738760">Audacious</a><br>* <r>Herrie</r> - reading/writing XSPF playlists. XSPF is also used to autosave the playlist on shutdown.<br>* <A HREF="9426730">Serpentine</a> - <r>GNOME</r> application for writing audio CDs<br>* <A HREF="272463">VLC</a> (stand-alone player, available on every major platform)<br>* [<small><i>http://dir.visonair.tv/ Visonair.tv Stream Directory</i></small>] (uses XSPF for server list download)<br>* [<small><i>http://libspiff.sourceforge.net/ libSpiff</i></small>] (C++ XSPF library)<br>* [<small><i>http://www.visonair.tv/player.php Visonair.tv Player</i></small>] (supports XSPF files)<br>* [<small><i>http://www.clipland.com/PRO/playHome Clipland Playlists</i></small>] (onDemand video-playlists also in XSPF)<br>* [<small><i>http://php4xspf.berlios.de/ PHP4XSPF</i></small>] - a set of PHP classes that aims to make it as simple as possible to create XSPF files using PHP.<br>* [<small><i>http://xspf.rubyforge.org/ XSPF for Ruby</i></small>] - a pure-Ruby parser and generator library<br>* [<small><i>http://www.jointradio.com/ JointRadio</i></small>] - takes RSS feeds of MP3 files and creates XSPF files<br>* [<small><i>http://musicplayer.sourceforge.net/ XSPF Web Music Player</i></small>] - Open Source XSPF player (in the web browser)<p>Many more applications are listed on the XSPF site below.<p><strong> External links </strong><p>* [<small><i>http://xspf.org/ XSPF home page</i></small>] <br>* [<small><i>http://validator.xspf.org/ Online XSPF Validator</i></small>] <br>* [<small><i>http://www.nabble.com/MusicBrainz---Playlist-f10925.html XSPF discussion interface</i></small>] <br>* [<small><i>http://www.myplaylist.biz MyPlayList</i></small>] First XSPF picture / music playlist compiler </dd> <br /> <p id="TerminSourceInfo" class="src"> <em><span itemprop="source">Wikimedia Foundation</span>. <span itemprop="source-date">2010</span>.</em> </p> </div> </dl> </div> <div style="padding:5px 0px;"> <a href="https://games.academic.ru" style="color: green; font-size: 16px; margin-right:10px"><b>Игры ⚽</b></a> <b><a title='онлайн-сервис помощи студентам' href='https://homework.academic.ru/?type_id=9'>Нужно решить контрольную?</a></b></div> <div id="socialBar_h"></div> <ul class="post-nav" id="TerminsNavigationBar"> <li class="prev"><a href="https://en-academic.com/dic.nsf/enwiki/943324" title="Alexander Seton, 3rd Earl of Dunfermline">Alexander Seton, 3rd Earl of Dunfermline</a></li> <li class="next"><a href="https://en-academic.com/dic.nsf/enwiki/943336" title="Prince Escalus">Prince Escalus</a></li> </ul> <div class="other-info"> <div class="holder"> <h3 class="dictionary">Look at other dictionaries:</h3> <ul class="terms-list"> <li><p><strong><a href="//es-academic.com/dic.nsf/eswiki/1230932">XML Shareable Playlist Format</a></strong> — (XSPF), es un formato de listas de reproducción basado en XML, patrocinado por la Fundación Xiph.org. 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