Ruatha Hold

Ruatha Hold

Ruatha Hold is a hold, or dwellingplace, on the fictional planet of Pern in the series of "The Dragonriders of Pern" by Anne McCaffrey. Ruatha was the third major hold to be established on Pern. Its founders were Peter "Red" Hanrahan, his wife and extensive family. The name comes from the Irish "Rua" (red) and "atha" (ford), or "Red's ford" although grammatically translated as "Ford Red". The correct Irish would be Ath Rua.

Ruatha is one of the principal Holds of Pern, and is famous for breeding runnerbeasts (descendants of horses) and Dragonriders. Ruatha was the home to Lord Alessan, Lord Leef, Weyrwoman Torene, and Lessa, Weyrwoman of Benden Weyr in the ninth pass. After Fax conquered the Hold, killed by Lessa's future weyrmate F'lar, Fax's infant son, Jaxom, was proclaimed Lord Holder, even though Lessa had the stronger claim to the title. F'lar took Lessa to Benden Weyr, where she Impressed the queen dragon Ramoth. Jaxom (whose mother Gemma had died giving birth) was reared by Lord Warder Lytol (former brownrider L'tol). Jaxom impressed Ruth, the White Dragon, and later was consorted with Sharra, sister to Toric of Southern Hold.

Red Hanrahan (First Pass)
Leef (Sixth Pass)
Alessan (Sixth Pass)
Fax (By conquest)(Eight interval)
Lytol (Although only acting as a steward)(Early Ninth Pass)
Jaxom (Ninth Pass)

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