- Limited Price Indexation
Limited Price Indexation or LPI is a pricing index used in the calculation of increases in certain components of scheme pension payments in the UK. The LPI is the
Retail Prices Index (RPI) capped at 5%. Since the introduction of the LPI, the RPI has never reached 5%, so to date the LPI has been equal to the RPIFact|date=March 2008.Usage
Pensions Act 1995 required scheme pension payments arising fromexcess contribution s to increase at the LPI. Excess contributions are those that are notprotected rights contributions from contracting out ofSERPS or theState second pension (S2P) nor anyAdditional voluntary contributions (AVCs). Only contributions made after1997-04-06 are required to increase at the LPI, so these contributions are known as "post '97 excess contributions".The rules were later amended by thePensions Act 2004 so that excess contributions made after2005-04-06 only had to increase at RPI capped at 2.5% instead of 5%.In either case, the scheme can of course pay increases greater than the statutory minimum.The rules for payment increases only apply to scheme pensions, i.e. pension payments made from adefined benefit s (DB orfinal salary ) scheme. Payments arising from contributions into amoney purchase pension scheme (also known as adefined contribution pension scheme ) are not required to increase. This is because the scheme member has the right to use their fund value to purchase anannuity with their own chosen rate of increase, which could be zero if a level pension is chosen. This right is known as theopen market option orOMO and followingA-day , the member also has the right to enter into anunsecured pension arrangement.External links
* [http://www.pensionsadvisoryservice.org.uk/Occupational_Pensions/Limited_Price_Indexation/ The Pensions Advisory Service – LPI]
* [http://www.sharingpensions.co.uk/glossary15.htm Sharing Pensions – LPI]
* [http://www.scottishlife.co.uk/scotlife/web/site/BeeHive/BeeLines/BHBLFeb05Page188.asp Summary of The Pensions Act 2004 by Scottish Life]
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