Giovanni Benedetto Platti

Giovanni Benedetto Platti

Giovanni Benedetto Platti (possibly July 9, 1697 (according to other sources 1690, 1692, 1700) in Padua, belonging to Venice at the time; † January 11, 1763 in Würzburg) was an Italian composer.


Platti learnt music in Italy (mostly singing, the oboe and the violin). Whilst he was still in Italy (until 1722), he also learnt to play the recently invented Fortepiano and composed sonatas specially dedicated to it.

In 1722, he was called to Würzburg to work for the prince-bishop of Bamberg and Würzburg, Lothar Franz von Schönborn. There he married Theresia Langprückner, a soprano singer with whom he had eight children. Platti spent the rest of his life in Würzburg, working as a singer, instrument virtuoso and composer.

Platti's works

Platti is said to have composed several oratorios, none of which were recovered. Only part of his work was edited:
* Mass in F-Major
* Stabat Mater Dolorosa
* Concerto in G-Major for piano, oboe and string orchestra
* 6 flute sonatas op. 3
* 6 sonatas for harpsichord op. 4
* Sonata in A-Major for flute and piano
* Trio sonata in G-Major for transverse flute, violin and basso continuo
* Trio sonata for oboe, bassoon and basso continuo

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