- Redfern Legal Centre
Redfern Legal Centre (RLC) is an independent, non-profit community centre established in 1977 and located in the Sydney inner-city suburb of Redfern. It is part of a network of four Inner Sydney region community legal centres, including the Inner City [ [http://www.iclc.org.au/front_page.html Welcome to the Inner City Legal Centre Website ] ] , Kingsford [ [http://www.law.unsw.edu.au/centres/klc/ UNSW LAW : Kingsford Legal Centre - Law Sydney Australia ] ] and Marrickville [ [http://www.mlc.asn.au/ Marrickville Legal Centre ] ] legal centres. The RLC is dedicated to promoting social justice and human rights. It provides free legal advice, referral and casework to disadvantaged people and groups who live with its catchment area, which extends to the Botany, Leichhardt and City of Sydney municipal areas. Many of those seeking assistance are ineligible for
Legal Aid but still cannot afford private legal services. A very high proportion of the centre’s clients are from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and culturally and linguistically diverse communities. The RLC is dedicated to community legal education and advocates for the reform of inequalities in laws, the legal system, administrative practices and society as a whole. [ [http://www.rlc.org.au/ RLC Homepage ] ]Volunteers and pro-bono
The RLC relies heavily on volunteer labour and pro-bono assistance from legal professionals to service a heavy case-load. Daytime volunteers tend to be law students or members of the community. Night-time volunteers are solicitors and legal assistants who attend appointments and give legal advice. RLC estimates it attracts approximately 30 000 volunteer hours per year or the equivalent of $900,000 worth of services to the community each year. [ [http://www.rlc.org.au/volunteer/volunteerintro.html Volunteer - Introduction ] ]
RLC received the 2007 Human Rights Law Award from the Australian Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission. [ [http://www.humanrights.gov.au/about/media/media_releases/2007/113_07.html HREOC media release: Redfern Legal Centre wins Law category at the 2007 Human Rights Awards ] ] In particular the award recognised the establishment of the Women’s Domestic Violence Court Assistance Scheme which aims to provide women seeking restraining orders as a result of domestic violence with legal advice as well as any other support required (including housing, income support and counselling). [ [http://www.redwatch.org.au/media/080205sshh/ Human Rights Award for Redfern Legal Centre — REDWatch - Redfern Eveleigh Darlington Waterloo Watch Group ] ]
External links
* [http://www.rlc.org.au/ Official website]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.