Ivan Lukačić

Ivan Lukačić

Marko Ivan Lukačić ("Lucacich" or "Lucacih"," Fr. Joannes de Sibinico") (*Šibenik, 1575 ? - † Split, September 20 1648), croatian renaissance composer.

Exact date of birth is unknown. 1587 he was baptised in Šibenik, and ten years later he entered the Franciscan order when he accepted his monastic name Ivan. In 1600 he was sent to Italy where he studied theology and music. In 1612 he has signed himself as "baccalaureus", while at March 23 1615 he awarded in Rome the degree of "Magister Musices". In 1614 he participated as "maestro di cappella" at the feast of St Jerome in croatian church in Rome. He returned to Šibenik in 1618 and two years later he moved to Split, where he became prior of the Franciscan monastery and director of music in cathedral. This duties he accomplished for the rest of his life. While Lukačić's sojourn in Italy is insufficinetly documented, his engament in Split, both as a prior and musician, left quite a records of first-class importance for the music life of that time in Dalmatia.


"Sacrae cantiones singulis binis ternis quaternis quinisque vocibus concinendae", Venezia, A. Gardano, 1620; 1 motet reprinted in "Deliciae sacrae musicae… Quas ex lectissimo lectissimorum nostri aevi musicorum penu, quaternis vocibus, cum basso ad organum applicato, suavissime modulandas exprompsit… ac… publice posuit, Ioannes Reininger", Ingolstadt, 1626 (= RISM 1626/2); 5 motets reprinted in "Promptuarii musici concentus ecclesiasticos CCXXXVI. selectimos, II. III. & IV. vocum. Cum basso continuo & generali, organo applicato, e diversis et praestantissimis Germaniae Italiae et aliis aliarum terrarum musicis collectos exhibens, pars tertia… Opera et studio Joannis Donfrid, scholae Neccaro Rottenburgicae, nec non ad D. Martini ibidem musices moderatoris", Strasbourg, 1627, vol 3 (= RISM 1627/1).

In 1620 Lukačić pubblished his only collection of motets "Sacrae cantiones". According to the front page and dedication, Giacomo Finetti, at that time maestro di cappella at the church dei Frari in Venice, handed them to the Archbishop of Split. A total of 27 motets were probably written during Lukačić’s long stay in Italy. Characteristic of his monodies are clear melodic lines and the simplicity of harmonic flow. Monodic motets such as "Cantabo Domino, Sicut cedrus, Oscluletur me", which like the majority of the pieces from the collection resort to biblical texts or liturgical readings, are brilliantly balanced miniatures. Among two-part motets, "Da pacem, Domine" is of exceptional virtuosity, while three-part "Domine, puer meus" contains an oratorio like dramatic dialogue between Christ, the narrator, and centurion. Four-part "Quam pulchra" es has choral prima prattica sections, Gabrielian refrains in a dance-like rhythm, while solo parts are in new seconda prattica style. At the beginning of the 17th cent. new baroque style was already accepted in Dalmatia, and Split, where composers like T. Cecchini and M. Romano were active, was one of the most important musical center. Lukačić achieved a fine synthesis of the early baroque Venetian church style and local traits.


*D. PLAMENAC: Music of the 16th and 17th Centuries in Dalmatia, in: Papers Read by Members of the American Musicological Society 1939, New York, 1944, 21-51.
* ID: Music in the Adriatical Coastal Areas of the Southern Slavs, in: G. REESE: Music in the Renaissance, New York, 1959, 757-762.
* ID: Tragom Ivana Lukačića i nekih njegovih suvremenika (on the trail of Ivan Lukačić and his contemporaries), Rad JAZU, 351, 1969, 63-90.
* L. ŽUPANOVIĆ: Umjetnost Ivana Lukačića Šibenčanina (The art of Ivan Lukačić of Šibenik), Radovi Instituta JAZU u Zadru, 13-14, 1968, 377-400.
* L. MARAČIĆ, ed.: Lukačić. Zbornik radova znanstvenoga skupa održanog u povodu 400. obljetnice rođenja Ivana Marka Lukačića (1585-1985) (Lukačić, a collection of papers from a symposium on the occasion of the 400th anniversary of his birth), Zagreb, 1987.
* K. KOS: Vertonungen lateinischer Texte von Schutz und Lukačić. Vergleichende Analyse / Schutzove i Lukačićeve skladbe na latinske tekstove. Usporedna analiza, in: S. TUKSAR, ed.: The Musical Baroque, Western Slavs, and the Spirit of the European Cultural Communion / Glazbeni barok i zapadni Slaveni u kontekstu europskog kulturnog zajedništva, Zagreb, 1993, 45-61, 197-213.
* E. STIPČEVIĆ: Lukačić, Zagreb: MIC, 2007.

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