Ishimori equation

Ishimori equation

The Ishimori equation (IE) is a partial differential equation proposed by the Japanese mathematician harvtxt|Y. Ishimori|1984. Its interest is as the first example of a nonlinear spin-one field model in the plane that is integrable harv|Sattinger|Tracy|Venakides|1991|p=78.


The IE has the form

: frac{partial mathbf{S{partial t} = mathbf{S}wedge left(frac{partial^2 mathbf{S{partial x^{2 + frac{partial^2 mathbf{S{partial y^{2 ight)+ frac{partial u}{partial x}frac{partial mathbf{S{partial y} + frac{partial u}{partial y}frac{partial mathbf{S{partial x},qquad (1a)

: frac{partial^2 u}{partial x^2}-alpha^2 frac{partial^2 u}{partial y^2}=-2alpha^2 mathbf{S}cdotleft(frac{partial mathbf{S{partial x}wedge frac{partial mathbf{S{partial y} ight).qquad (1b)

Lax representation

The Lax representation

:L_t=AL-LAqquad (2)

of the equation is given by

:L=Sigma partial_x+alpha Ipartial_y,qquad (3a)

:A= -2iSigmapartial_x^2+(-iSigma_x-ialphaSigma_ySigma+u_yI-alpha^3u_xSigma)partial_x.qquad (3b)


:Sigma=sum_{j=1}^3S_jsigma_j,qquad (4)

the sigma_i are the Pauli matrices and I is the identity matrix.


IE admits an important reduction:in 1+1 dimensions it reduces to the continuous classical Heisenberg ferromagnet equation (CCHFE). The CCHFE is integrable.

Equivalent counterpart

The equivalent counterpart of the IE is the Davey-Stewartson equation.

ee also

* Nonlinear Schrödinger equation
* Heisenberg model (classical)
* Spin wave
* Landau-Lifshitz equation
* Soliton
* Vortex
* Nonlinear systems
* Davey–Stewartson equation


*citation|last=Ishimori|first=Y.|title=Multi-vortex solutions of a two-dimensional nonlinear wave equation|journal=Prog. Theor. Phys. |volume=72|year=1984|pages=33-37|id=MR|0760959
doi= 10.1143/PTP.72.33

*citation|last=Konopelchenko |first=B.G. |title=Solitons in multidimensions|publisher= World Scientific |year=1993|isbn=978-9810213480
*citation|last= Martina|first= L.|last2= Profilo |first2=G.|last3= Soliani|first3= G.|last4= Solombrino |first4=L. |title=Nonlinear excitations in a Hamiltonian spin-field model in 2+1 dimensions. |journal=Phys. Rev. B |volume=49|pages=12915 - 12922 |year=1994
*citation|editor1-first=David H.|editor1-last= Sattinger|editor2-first= C. A. |editor2-last=Tracy |title=Inverse Scattering and Applications|year=1991
editor3-first=S.|editor3-last= Venakides|series= Contemporary Mathematics|volume= 122|publisher= American Mathematical Society|place= Providence, RI|year= 1991| ISBN:=0-8218-5129-2

*citation|first=Li-yeng |last=Sung|title= The Cauchy problem for the Ishimori equation|journal= Journal of Functional Analysis|volume=139|pages=29-67 |year=1996|doi=10.1006/jfan.1996.0078

External links

* [ Ishimori_system] at the dispersive equations wiki

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