Hugo Erdmann

Hugo Erdmann

name = Hugo Erdmann

image_width =
caption = Hugo Erdmann
birth_date = birth date|1862|5|8
birth_place = Germany
residence = Germany
nationality = German
death_date = death date and age|1910|6|25|1862|5|8
death_place = Müritzsee, Germany
field =
work_institution =
alma_mater =
doctoral_advisor = Jacob Volhard
doctoral_students =
known_for = Volhard-Erdmann cyclization
prizes =
religion =
footnotes =

Hugo Erdmann (8 May 1862 – 25 June 1910) was the German chemist who discovered, together with his doctoral advisor Jacob Volhard, the Volhard-Erdmann cyclization. In 1898 he was the first who coined the term "noble gas" (the original noun is _de. "Edelgas" in German) [cite journal|journal=Science|date=1901-02-15|volume=13|pages=268–270|last=Renouf|first=Edward|title=Noble gases|doi=10.1126/science.13.320.268] .


*cite web
title = Hugo Erdmann
url =


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