University of Pittsburgh Epidemiology Data Center

University of Pittsburgh Epidemiology Data Center

The Epidemiology Data Center (EDC) is recognized as an official University Center at the University of Pittsburgh and is part of the Department of Epidemiology at the University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public Health. The EDC was formed in 1980 by Katherine M. Detre, M.D., Dr.P.H. [The Lancet, Volume 367, Issue 9512, 4 March 2006-10 March 2006] , and is currently under the co-direction of Sheryl F. Kelsey, Ph.D., Steven H. Belle, Ph.D. and Stephen R. Wisniewski, Ph.D. [ [ Epidemiology Data Center: Who We Are] ]

The EDC has been involved in over 120 research projects sponsored by the National Institutes of Health and other agencies. Existing studies include a scientific assortment such as registries, case control studies, and clinical trials.

The center includes 70 full-time staff, 21 faculty, and 23 part-time and student employees. Faculty and staff cover a variety of educational backgrounds, and different fields of knowledge together with biostatisticians, applied mathematical statisticians, epidemiologists, physicians, programmers, data managers, systems analysts, data entry employees, and administrative personnel.

The EDC offers IT and network services for internal & external departments or organizations within the University district. Services include: Local Area Network, Server Administration, Software, Technical & Computer Support, VAX/VMS Time Sharing, Web/Media and Information Technology services. [2007 EDC Guide to Projects, Resources and IT Services]

The Epidemiology Data Center is located at 130 DeSoto Street, 127 Parran Hall in the Graduate School of Public Health.

Current Research Studies:

BARI2D (Bypass Angioplasty Revascularization Investigation (BARI) 2 Diabetes: BARI2D’s program is to research whether or not patients with Type 2 Diabetes, if preliminary treatment with angioplasty or bypass surgical treatment is superior to preliminary treatment within a medical program. BARI2D includes comparison with two approaches to manage blood sugar: on condition that providing insulin stimulating meds or meds that sensitizes the body to on hand insulin [ [] ]

LABS (Longitudinal Assessment of Bariatric Surgery): Around 64% of adults across the United States of America are obese or overweight including 25% of adults measured obese (BMI greater than 30). With greater anxiety is the escalating number of adults who have elevated levels of obesity (BMI greater than 40). Several studies have shown that obesity treatments utilizing behavioral rehabilitation to improve on diet and exercise levels can in turn lead to weight losses of anywhere from 5-10% over four to six months out of the year. Such weight losses show improvement in obesity-related health conditions including high blood pressure and Type 2 Diabetes. [ [ Weight-control Information Network] ]

Cool Kids Trial: A Clinical assessment of temperate hypothermia (32-33°C) as treatment behind severe brain injury in children as part in the Pediatric Traumatic Brain Injury Consortium (PTBIC). This 11.5 million dollar NIH funded trial is the only multi-center clinical trial involving children underway in the U.S. Through this study, researchers will determine if a process of cooling children with severe head trauma injuries for 48 hours reduces or eliminates long-term brain damage. [ [ Pittsburgh Post-Gazette] ]

PALF (Pediatric Acute Liver Failure): PALF study is the primary multi-national shared study aimed at characterizing, and researching strategies for children, adolescents, and infants who are in the presence of Acute Liver failure. ALF (Acute Liver Failure) happens when numerous cells in the liver expire, or halt in performance in a small stage of time. ALF builds at a very rapid pace, and utilizes urgent care. This multi-million dollar study includes 19 centers in three countries. [ [ Medical News Today] ]

CO-MED (Combination Medication to Enhance Depression Outcomes): Sponsored by the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), this study is aimed at improving remission rates for self-declared outpatients with nonpsychotic depression disorder on a recurring basis. Such patients are treated in primary or psychiatric surroundings. Current findings shows that remission, which is the objective of treatment, is only found by 1/3 of depressed outpatients treated with a preliminary SSRI for up to 14 weeks. [ [] ]

External links

* [ Epidemiology Data Center Homepage]
* [ Department of Epidemiology]
* [ Graduate School of Public Health]


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