

Il Facchino ("the porter") is one of the talking statues of Rome. Like the other five "talking statues", pasquinades - irreverent satires poking fun at public figures - were posted beside "il Facchino" in the 14th and 15th centuries.

"Il Facchino" was originally sited on the via del Corso, on the main facade of the Palazzo De Carolis, near the piazza Venezia. In 1874, it was moved to its current position, to the side of the same building, on the via Lata.

Unlike the other talking statues, which are all date to Ancient Rome, "Il Facchino" is relatively modern. The statue was created in around 1580 for the Jacopo del Conte for the Corporazione degli Acquaroli (although some sources say it was sculpted by Michelangelo). It depicts a man wearing a cap and sleeved shirt, carrying a barrel - an "acquarolo", who would take water from the Tiber to sell on the streets of Rome during the period before the Roman aqueducts were repaired at the orders of the Popes and the public fountains played again. Somewhat ironically, water spouts from the centre of the barrel, creating a fountain. It face is badly damaged.

ee also

*The other five speaking statute of Rome
**Madama Lucrezia
**Abate Luigi

*The speaking statute of Milan
**Omm de Preja (or Sciur Carera)


*Rendina, C., "Pasquino statua parlante”, "ROMA ieri, oggi, domani", n. 20 – febbraio 1990

External links

* [http://www.geocities.com/mp_pollett/roma-c2i.htm?20071 Le statue parlanti di Roma]
* [http://www.romasegreta.it/pigna/corpo9.htm La fontana del Facchino]

* [http://books.google.com/books?id=jzXsIktocfEC&pg=PA73&dq=babuino+silenus&lr=&as_brr=3&sig=m4FZO1pN5ndnAgi-I8HNxUBBWow#PPA73,M1 "The Insider's Guide to Rome", p.73]
* [http://books.google.com/books?id=lkgFAAAAQAAJ&pg=RA1-PA108&dq=marforio+Lucrezia&lr=&as_brr=3 "Chambers' Edinburgh Journal", p.106]

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