- Gotham Chamber Opera
Gotham Chamber Opera (GCO) is a professional opera company located in
New York City , NY and is a member ofOpera America . [ [http://www.operaamerica.org/about/membership/states/ny.asp OPERA America — The National Service Organization for Opera ] ] The company focuses on performing smaller more intimate opera productions known aschamber operas that which are often over looked by traditional opera houses. CGO performs works spanning from the 17th century to contemporary compositions. The opera company performs their productions at thePlayhouse at the Abrons Arts Center , an intimate 350-seat theater. The structure of the theater provides a very intimate space between the audience and the performers which provides a different kind of opera experience than one would have in a large opera house. CGO was founded in 2000 under the name of the Henry Street Chamber Opera by Artistic Director Neal Goren. The company channged its name to the Gotham Chamber Opera after incorporating as an independent 501(c)3 organization in 2003.To date, the Gotham Chamber Opera has presented six U.S. premieres of 18th- and 20th-century operas, including
Mozart 's 1771 "Il Sogno di Scipione "; Czech composerBohuslav Martinu 's '1928 Dada opera, "Les Larmes du Couteau " (The Tears of the Knife) and "Hlas lesa " (Voice of the Forest), Swiss composerHeinrich Sutermeister 's 1935 masterpiece "Die schwarze Spinne " (The Black Widow), andHandel 's "Arianna in Creta ". [ [http://www.gothamchamberopera.org/about_history.html Gotham Chamber Opera - History ] ]References
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