SS Empire Brigade

SS Empire Brigade

The SS "Empire Brigade" was a British steam merchant ship. She served during two World Wars, before being sunk whilst carrying supplies to the UK during the Second World War.

Pre war career

"Empire Brigade" was built in the yards of Sir John Priestman & Co Ltd, Southwick, Sunderland, being completed in 1912. She entered service as SS "Hannington Court" with Court Line and served with them until 1936, when she was sold to the Italian shipping line owned by Achille Lauro and based in Naples. They renamed her "Elios". She was in port in Newcastle when Italy entered the war, and she was consequently seized on 10 June 1940 by the Ministry of Shipping. They renamed her "Empire Brigade" and passed her to Cairns, Noble & Co Ltd, of Newcastle-upon-Tyne to operate for them. She was homeported in London.

Wartime career and sinking

She took part in a number of local convoys, sailing to different ports in the UK. Her first international convoy came when she joined the ill-fated convoy SC-7. "Empire Brigade" sailed from Montreal to Sydney, Nova Scotia, Canada, from where the convoy sailed on 5 October 1940, bound for Leith via the Tyne. "Empire Brigade" carried a cargo of 750 tons of copper, 129 tons of ferrous alloys and 980 tons of steel, and as under the command of her master, Sydney Wyman Parks. The convoy had only a single escort to start with, the sloop HMS "Scarborough". The convoy was located by a wolf pack of U-boats from 16 October, and they quickly overwhelmed the convoy, sinking many of the ships. The "Empire Brigade" was torpedoed and sunk by "U-99" at 01.38 hours on 19 October, whilst some 100 miles east-southeast of Rockall. Out of a total complement of 41, five crew members and one gunner were lost. The master and 34 crew members were picked up by HMS "Fowey" and landed at Greenock.


* [ SS Empire Brigade at]
* [ Arnold Hague's convoy database]

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