Forrest W. Breyfogle III

Forrest W. Breyfogle III

Forrest W. Breyfogle III (b. 1946) is the author of eleven books and over 90 articles on the topic of quality improvement. He is the President and CEO of Smarter Solutions, Inc.; and the winner of the 2005 American Society for Quality Crosby Medal for his book, "Implementing Six Sigma, 2nd edition" (ISS2). The Crosby Medal is presented to the individual who has authored a distinguished book contributing significantly to the extension of the philosophy and application of the principles, methods, or techniques of quality management.

A professional engineer, Breyfogle is also a member of the board of advisors for the University of Texas Center for Performing Excellence. Smarter Solutions, Inc. provides business measurement and improvement consultation and education for organizations worldwide.

His latest work (2008) is the Integrated Enterprise Excellence (IEE) suite, a set of four books that document an enhanced system for effective enterprise management in the 21st century, based on the integration of best practices from previous tools and techniques and the application of innovative analytical methodology. The introductory book provides an overview of IEE methods, tools and techniques–and how they creatively integrate the best practices of established business measurement and improvement systems.

Recent (2008) works

* The Integrated Enterprise Excellence System: An Enhanced, Unified Approach to Balanced Scorecards, Strategic Planning, and Business Improvement ISBN-13: 978-1-934454-11-4 ISBN-10: 1-934454-11-7 216 pages, paperback. An introductory overview of the highlights of the IEE system and how it relates to previous improvement systems.

A three volume series completes the set of four texts:
* Integrated Enterprise Excellence, Vol. I The Basics: Golfing Buddies Go Beyond Lean Six Sigma and the Balanced ScorecardISBN-13: 978-1-934454-12-1 ISBN-10: 1-934454-12-5 168 pages, hardcover. Four golfing friends discuss improvement systems. They improve their games in both business and golf using IEE concepts, going beyond Lean Six Sigma and the Balanced scorecard.
* Integrated Enterprise Excellence, Vol. II Business Deployment: A Leaders' Guide for Going Beyond Lean Six Sigma and the Balanced Scorecard

ISBN-13: 978-1-934454-15-2 ISBN-10: 1-934454-15-X 560 pages, hardcover. An IEE system creation manual for leaders and implementation teams. Describes an enterprise measurement, analysis, and improvement system where organizations transition from firefighting toward the three R’s of business: everyone doing the right things and doing them right at the right time.
* Integrated Enterprise Excellence, Vol. III Improvement Project Execution: A Management and Black Belt Guide for Going Beyond Lean Six Sigma and the Balanced Scorecard

ISBN-13: 978-1-934454-16-9 ISBN-10: 1-934454-16-8 1200 pages, hardcover. An IEE system implementation handbook for the improvement project manager. Provides a detailed step-by-step project roadmap which integrates Six Sigma and Lean tools.

Selected bibliography and sources
* “A Design and Test Roundtable–Six Sigma: Moving Towards Perfect Products”, 1991, IEEE Design and Test of Computers, Los Alamitos, CA, June, pp. 88–89.
* ”Process Improvement with Six Sigma”, 1992, Wescon/92 Conference Record, Western Periodicals Company, Ventura, CA, pp. 754–756.
* "Statistical Methods for Testing, Development, and Manufacturing", 1992, Wiley, Hoboken, NJ.
* "Managing Six Sigma: A Practical Guide to Understanding, Assessing,and Implementing the Strategy that Yields Bottom-Line Success", 2001, Wiley, New York.
* "Wisdom on the Green: Smarter Six Sigma Business Solutions", 2001, Smarter Solutions, Inc., Austin, TX.
* "Implementing Six Sigma: Smarter Solutions ® using Statistical Methods, Second edition", 2003, Wiley, Hoboken, NJ.
* “Control Charting at the 30,000-footlevel: Separating special-cause events from common-cause variability”, 2003, Quality Progress, November pp. 67–70.
* “Control Charting at the 30,000-footlevel, Part 2”, 2004, Quality Progress, Nov. pp. 85–87.

See also

* Design for Six Sigma
* Lean manufacturing
* Lean Six Sigma
* Process improvement
* Statistical process control
* Five nines
* Six Sigma


*Breyfogle, F. W., Gomez, D. McEachron, N., Millham, E., and Oppenheim, A. (1991), A Design and Test Roundtable – Six Sigma: Moving Towards Perfect Products, IEEE Design and Test of Computers, Los Alamitos, CA, June, pp. 88–89.
*Breyfogle, F. W. (1992), Process Improvement with Six Sigma, Wescon/92 Conference Record, Western Periodicals Company, Ventura, CA, pp. 754–756.
*Breyfogle, F. W. (1992), Statistical Methods for Testing, Development,and Manufacturing, Wiley, Hoboken, NJ.
*Breyfogle, F. W., Cupello, J. M., and Meadows, B (2001) ManagingSix Sigma: A Practical Guide to Understanding, Assessing,and Implementing the Strategy that Yields Bottom-Line Success, Wiley, New York.
*Breyfogle, F. W., Enck, D., Flories, P., and Pearson, T. (2001), Wisdom on the Green: Smarter Six Sigma Business Solutions, Smarter Solutions, Inc., Austin, TX.
*Breyfogle, F. W. (2003a), Implementing Six Sigma: Smarter Solution using Statistical Methods, Second edition, Wiley, Hoboken, NJ.
*Breyfogle, F. W. (2004a), “Starting a Six Sigma Initiative,” SixSigma, Ask the Expert,
*Breyfogle, F. W., and Arvind, S. (2004b), Lean Six Sigma in Sickness and in Health, Smarter Solutions, Inc., Austin, TX.
*Breyfogle, F. W. (2004c), XmR Control Charts and Data Normality, February 15, 2004,
*Breyfogle, F. W. (2005a), “21 Common Problems (and What To Do About Them),” Six Sigma Forum Magazine, pp. 35–37.

External links

* [ Integrated Enterprise Excellence]

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