- Elektra Festival
Presented every year in May by [http://www.acreq.ca/ ACREQ] (Association pour la Création et la Recherche Électroacoustiques du Québec), [http://www.elektramontreal.ca/ Elektra] is an internationally renowned digital arts festival established in
Montréal since 1999.Renowned internationally as a cutting-edge festival, Elektra offers diverse experiences: immersive shows, live performances, interactive devices, installations and much more. Elektra focuses on presenting links between the latest technologies and their creative potential, using different mediums such as music, video, design, cinema, game and robotic.
Elektra allows artists from a range of disciplines (composition, performance, dance, visual arts etc.) to share their common interest for the artistic application of new technologies in order to explore the ever-evolving ways in which audio and visual can be united.
Elektra was formed in 1999, when ACREQ chose to organize a yearly cultural and artistic event. Elektra’s mission has since been to present artists and works that combine the latest in electronic music and visual creations derived from new technologies.
2008 Edition
The 9th edition of Elektra festival will go on from May 7 to 11, 2008. The [http://blog.elektramontreal.ca/index.php?/archives/332-Elektra-9-PROGRAMMATION.html program this year] is both innovating and accessible, and is sure to please both neophytes and aficionados.
2008 Partners
This year's edition is presented in collaboration with [http://www.usine-c.com Usine C] , [http://www.cinematheque.qc.ca Cinémathèque québécoise] and [http://blog.provokat.ca/en Provokat] digital advertising agency. It's a third sponsorship of the event in as many years for Provokat.
This time however, the agency not only did the advertising but also contributed an interactive installation. The web site's visitors will have access to 9 web cams, each pointing to a different pewter column, one per event. When a user clicks to show his or her interest for a specific event, a robot starts to move. It then drops a dollop of pewter on the corresponding stalagmite. This silver forest will represent, as time goes by, the visitors' intentions. It's information aesthetics in real time, and in a real space. The sculpture will be on display at Usine C for the duration of the festival. Imagined and programmed by Provokat and built by Simon Laroche, the installation summarizes the festival and takes part in it all at once.
External links
* [http://www.elektramontreal.ca/ Elektra Festival official website]
* [http://blog.elektramontreal.ca/ Elektra Blog]
* [http://www.flickr.com/photos/elektrafestival/ Elektra Festival's Photos]
* [http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=elektrafestival Elektra videos on YouTube]
* [http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=66315477 Myspace Elektra]
* [http://blog.provokat.ca Provokat digital advertising agency]
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