Fusion Systems

Fusion Systems

company_name = Fusion Systems Ltd.
company_type = Private
company_slogan =
foundation = 2005
location = Hong Kong
key_people = Michael Alfant (Group President)
industry = Financial Services, Automotive
products = Financial Services, Business Continuity Planning
revenue = Undisclosed
num_employees = ~150 (2008) | homepage = [http://www.fusionsystems.org/ www.fusionsystems.org]

Fusion Systems is an Asia/Pacific consulting and technology services company. Fusion has offices in Hong Kong, Shanghai and Tokyo. Fusion provides integrated technology solutions to several industries, in particular the financial services and automotive industries.

Fusion Systems was founded in Shanghai in May 2005 [cite web|url=http://www.sbr.net.cn/sbrarchives/200606.pdf|title=New WFOEs & JVs Registered in Shanghai|publisher= [http://www.sbr.net.cn/ Shanghai Business Review] |date=2006|accessdate=2008-03-25] by Michael Alfant, Huw Rogers, Vaughan Marks, Changpeng Zhao and Ray Ribble. They were joined subsequently by three additional partners: Shiro Fujita, Tony Fujii and Philip Carmichael.

Fusion's consultants work throughout the Asia/pacific region as well as in New York and London.

Fusion is primarily comprised of three lines of business - technology infrastructure consulting, contract software development and products. Fusion's products include Raptor, an electronic trading system used by members of the Tokyo Stock Exchange.


A previous instance of Fusion was owned by Michael Alfant and many of the partners of the current firm. Fusion Systems was founded in 1992 in Tokyo as a subsidiary of Fusion Systems Group of New York. A MBO in 1995 took the company independent. The company's key product was a stock trading system named FOX (Fusion Order eXecution) that was sold to many Tokyo Stock Exchange member firms [cite web|url=http://www.securitiesindustry.com/issues/20020428/2601-1.html|title=GL Trade Acquires CGI's Tokyo Unit|publisher= [http://www.securitiesindustry.com/ Securities Industry News] |date=2002|accessdate=2008-03-25] . Fusion estimates, based on the reported market share of TSE members that used FOX, that it processed between 30-50% of the TSE's total volume at the end of the 90s.

The previous Fusion was subsequently acquired by IMRGlobal for $65M in a mixed stock/cash deal in 1999 [cite web|url=http://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1021772/0001016843-99-000385.txt|title=SEC Filing|publisher=SEC|date=1999|accessdate=2008-03-25] .

IMRGlobal itself was subsequently acquired by CGI Group in 2001. The old Fusion unit of CGI was then sold to the French trading systems provider [http://www.gltrade.com/ GL Trade] in April 2002 [cite web|url=http://www.gltrade.com/gltcom/servlet/com.gltrade.gltcom.corporate.servlets.Redirect?menu=corporate&title=history|title=GL Trade Corporate History|publisher= [http://www.gltrade.com/ GL Trade] |date=2002|accessdate=2008-03-25] , who continued to sell and support FOX.


External links

* [http://www.fusionsystems.org/ Official website]

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