Earth Centered Inertial

Earth Centered Inertial

The Earth-Centered-Inertial (ECI) Frame is a non-rotating version of the (ECEF) frame. The ECI frame is identical to the ECEF frame at some instant in time. The ECI frame is a convenient inertial frame for which Newton's second law is valid, and thus is popular for calculating aerospace dynamics.


The location of an object in space can be defined in terms of right ascension and declination which are measured from the vernal equinox and the celestial equator. A practical reference frame can be defined with the x-axis aligned with the Earth's Mean Equator and Equinox for Year 2000, the y-axis rotated by 90o East about the celestial equator and the z-axis aligned with the celestial North Pole. This gives the reference frame known as EME2000, which for aerospace applications can be considered as the Earth Centred Inertial Frame.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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