Jean Baptiste LeLande

Jean Baptiste LeLande

In 1804 Jean Baptiste LaLande left Kaskaskia, Illinois with a small outfit of merchandise bound for Santa Fe, New Mexico. As a result he is credited as being the first American to establish commercial contact with Santa Fe. At that time Santa Fe was Spanish territory and Spanish law prohibited foreigner trading. Upon arriving in New Mexico LaLande was arrested by Spanish authorities and the trade goods were confiscated. Spanish governor Alencaster released LaLande from prison in 1805 after LaLande agreed to accompany the Pedro Vial expedition in 1806. The expedition's purpose was to establish Pawnee allegiance to Spain. LaLande died February 8, 1821 in New Mexico.


LeRoy R. Hafen, "New Light on LaLande, First Ameridcan in Colorado," "Colorado Magazine", XXIV (Sept. 1947), l94-97.

Lansing Bloom, "The Death of Jacques D'Eglise," "New Mexico Historical Review", II, p.371.

Fray Angelico Chavez, "Addenda to New Mexico Families," "El Palacio", vol 63, nos. 7-8 (Santa Fe, New Mexico, l956), p. 242.

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