- Installware
Installware [Slashdot User KevMar, [http://slashdot.org/comments.pl?sid=496460&cid=22829864 "Mozilla CEO Objects To Safari Auto Install" User Comment] , [http://www.slashdot.org Slashdot] ,
March 23 ,2008 , AccessedMarch 23 ,2008 ] is defined as any legitimate, non-defective, non-malicious software product or software functionality which is installed and/or downloaded to a user's computer system without their consent through a software installation or update system. Installware is distinguished frommalware because it is not necessarily malicious, but still undesired. Corporations often bundle legitimate products together into installation packages as a marketing tactic, or distribute their products to end users automatically to build market share.References
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.