Plot point — ist ein von Syd Field in die Drehbuchlehre eingeführter Begriff. Man versteht darunter eine Überraschung im Lauf einer dadurch komplizierten Handlung: Etwas anderes als das, womit gerechnet wurde, tritt ein oder wird plötzlich erwartet. Ein… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Plot point (role-playing games) — Plot point is a term used in role playing games. It refers to any point given to a player character which can be spent to alter the plot of the game. The name is a pun on the TV and film term plot point.In most commercial RPGs, plot points… … Wikipedia
plot — and plot point refers to a series of dramatic events or actions that make up a film s narrative; a plot point is a key turning point or moment in a film s story that significantly advances the action; plot points either set the story further… … Glossary of cinematic terms
point — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun 1 thing said as part of a discussion ADJECTIVE ▪ excellent, good, interesting, valid ▪ important ▪ minor ▪ … Collocations dictionary
Point and figure chart — A point and figure chart is used for technical analysis of securities. Unlike most other investment charts, point and figure charts do not present a linear representation of time. Instead, they show trends in price.The aim of point and figure… … Wikipedia
Plot (narrative) — Plot is a literary term defined as the events that make up a story, particularly as they relate to one another in a pattern, in a sequence, through cause and effect, or by coincidence. One is generally interested in how well this pattern of… … Wikipedia
plot´less|ness — plot «plot», noun, verb, plot|ted, plot|ting. –n. 1. a secret plan, especially to do something wrong: »Two men formed a plot to rob the bank. SYNONYM(S): intrigue, conspiracy … Useful english dictionary
plot´less — plot «plot», noun, verb, plot|ted, plot|ting. –n. 1. a secret plan, especially to do something wrong: »Two men formed a plot to rob the bank. SYNONYM(S): intrigue, conspiracy … Useful english dictionary
Plot immunity — is a phenomenon in fiction (particularly serialized fiction, such as television series and comic books) that allows for major characters ndash; usually the protagonist and/or antagonist ndash; to avoid the consequences of events that would remove … Wikipedia
plot — [plät] n. [ME < OE, piece of land: some meanings infl. by COMPLOT] 1. a small area of ground marked off for some special use [garden plot, cemetery plot] 2. a chart or diagram, as of a building or estate 3. [short for COMPLOT] a secret,… … English World dictionary