Bergschrund — A bergschrund is a crevasse that forms where the moving glacier ice separates from the stagnant ice above. It is often a serious obstacle for mountaineers, who sometimes abbreviate bergschrund to schrund .In a corrie or cirque, the bergschrund is … Wikipedia
Cirque — For other uses, see Cirque (disambiguation). Two cirques with semi permanent snowpatches in Abisko National Park, Sweden … Wikipedia
List of NHL players (D) — This is a list of National Hockey League (NHL) players who have played at least one game in the NHL from 1917 to present and have a last name that starts with D . Contents 1 D Alessio Davidsson 2 Davie Denis 3 Denneny DiPietro … Wikipedia
List of players who played only one game in the NHL — This is a list of ice hockey players who have played only one game in the National Hockey League (NHL) from 1917–18 to the present. In the past, most NHL players were from Canada, and even today roughly half of all NHL players are born in Canada… … Wikipedia
History of the Netherlands (1939–1945) — The city of Rotterdam after the German terror bombing during the German invasion of the Netherlands in May 1940. The history of the Netherlands from 1939 to 1945 covers the events in the Netherlands that took place under the German occupation… … Wikipedia
Cirque glaciaire — Le cirque de Gavarnie, un amphithéâtre glaciaire Situés à l amont des vallées glaciaires, les cirques glaciaires sont des dépressions de forme semi circulaire, entourée de versants raides, que l’on trouve en montagne, qui est ou qui a été occupée … Wikipédia en Français