Jaromír Funke

Jaromír Funke

Jaromír Funke (1896 - 1945) was Czech photographer.

Funke was a leading figure in Czech photography in the 1920s and 30s. In 1924 he, Josef Sudek and Adolf Schneeberger founded the Czech Photographic Society. Funke headed the photography department at the School of Arts and Crafts in Bratislava and was editor of the journal "Fotografický obzor" ("Photographic Horizons") for several years.

External links

* [http://www.xs4all.nl/~winnubst/funke-bio.html Short biography]
* [http://www.fotofo.sk/imago/18/funke.htm Detailed overview of Funke's work]
* [http://photoarts.com/bell/artists/funke.html Selection of photographs]

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