Regia Autonomă de Transport Urban Călători

Regia Autonomă de Transport Urban Călători

Regia Autonomă de Transport Urban Călători (RATUC) is the local public transport company of Cluj-Napoca, Romania. The company runs an extensive convert|321|km|mi public transport network within the city using trams, trolleybuses and buses.cite web
url = | title =Amenajarea teritoriului, urbanism, infrastructură | accessdate = 2008-03-12 | publisher = Cluj-Napoca City Hall | language = Romanian

The local transportation company, RATUC, manages a tram line that runs through the city. Planned modernisation will involve the installation of new rail tracks and the separation of the tram route from road traffic. This will bring a number of advantages, including vibration and shock reduction, a substantial noise decrease, long use expectancy and higher transit speed – convert|60|km/h|mph-convert|80|km/h|mph. [cite web
url = | title =Tramvaiul clujean circulă expirat| date = 2007-01-18 | accessdate = 2008-03-12 | publisher = Foaia Transilvană | language=Romanian
] The route will undergo major alteration on Horea Street, between the Chamber of Commerce and the central rail station, a rather problematic area. This dilemma should be solved either with the relocation of the track next to the pavement, or through the construction of a suspended tunnel. [cite web
url = | title =Vor tunel suspendat pe strada Horea| date = 2007-11-22 | accessdate = 2008-03-12 | publisher = Ziua de Cluj | language=Romanian
] Another area that will benefit from large-scale changes is "Splaiul Independenţei", where the tracks will be pulled back to the Central Park, so that the roadway can host two lanes. In the Mănăştur area, under the bridge, the tracks will be brought closer, while other major works will executed on the traffic circle on Primăverii Street. Given the development of the metropolitan area, further plans feature the creation of a light rail track between Gilău and Jucu that will use these modernised tracks in the city. [cite web
url = | title = Aviz pentru tramvai nou în Cluj| date = 2007-11-21 | accessdate = 2008-03-12 | publisher = Clujeanul | language=Romanian


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