Barclay Knapp

Barclay Knapp

Barclay Knapp is a Senior Fellow in the Center for Financial Economics at The Johns Hopkins University, and has formed Charles Street Partners, to pursue financing and management opportunities in the telecommunications industry.

He is known particularly for his role in co-founding Cellular Communications Inc. (CCI), serving as CFO and later as President and COO. CCI became one of the largest independent cellular system operators in the US, growing from start-up to over 1.25 million customers by the time of its sale to Airtouch in 1996 for $2.5 billion. The company also gained widespread recognition as an award-winning industry leader in marketing and customer service, with industry leading penetration, market share, and churn rates. [ [ Charles Street Partners ] ]

In 1992, when the British Government gave UK cable TV companies permission to offer telephony over their own networks in competition with British Telecom, Barclay and his CCI co-founder, George Blumenthal, seized the opportunity by acquiring cable franchises in Scotland, Wales, and suburban London. CableTel, was founded in 1993. [ [ Charles Street Partners ] ]


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